Saturday, June 20, 2020

The Adventures of Balthazar the Bold

After his bitter defeat at the hands of the Goblin King, Sir Balthazar the Bold vowed that he would return and see that evil met its fate.

Rather than killing off a defeated character, I decided to give him a second chance. I may give a total of 3 lives before killing the character.

Once more, Balthazar stepped into the Goblin Caves.

He first met 2 hobgoblin guards. They landed a couple of blows, but Balthazar's armor proved up to the task. After passing through an empty room, he was swarmed by goblins. His trusty blade cleaved through them like butter.

The giant rats proved more difficult. Balthazar tried to overawe them, but they paid little heed. Instead, they attacked and caused two wounds. Balthazar's strong physique warded off disease. He then countered, and in a burst of fury, slew them in swift progression.

Balthazar then contended with some goblin warriors. He suffered a wound but struck down the enemy.

He was then fortunate to find a healing fountain. With his vigor restored, Balthazar felt up to the task of confronting the Goblin King. He strode boldly into the throne room and challenged the king. The unholy creature launched an attack, piercing Balthazar's armor. The paladin retaliated with a powerful blow. Green blood oozed from the wounded goblin.

The combatants then began a series of feints and blows, but neither could overcome the other's defenses. Then Balthazar prayed for assistance. Power filled his frame; he went on the offensive. He struck a flurry of blows with Herculean might. Each pierced deeply; the Goblin King collapsed in a heap.

With the Goblin King dead, the rest of the colony scattered to the four winds. Travelers and pilgrims were now safe to pass through the foothills.

Game Notes

  • I'm beginning to feel that I have the balance right. Naturally, the fickle nature of fortune plays a role in the final result, but I think the core rules are solid.
  • I also feel that D10 is the way to go for these rules.
  • I have played the goblin caves adventure multiple times while play testing. I think it is time for a different challenge.

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