Saturday, May 2, 2020

No Can Do - An Arena of Heroes Report

I finished a couple more 10mm fantasy figures, so I decided to play another game of Age of Heroes, once again set as a gladiator battle between 2 teams (hence the Arena of Heroes title).

A shot of (most) of my adventurers. From L to R - Nocan the Barbarian, the wizard Blandalf, and Gimlet the dwarf. Nocan and Blandalf are new.

The arena is set. The adventurers (with an added archer) are ready to face a band of orcs (from L to R - an archer, orc champion, and 2 warriors).
I upgraded my barriers to 3D, using bits of balsa.

The orc warriors rush forth. The orc champion and Nocan the Barbarian remain very complacent.

 But the leaders finally act. The orc champion charges Blandalf while Nocan assists Gimlet.

The orc champion cuts down Blandalf.

And then Gimlet falls.

At this point, the herald trumpeted the end of the bout. A clear victory for the orcs!

An utterly disappointing start for Nocan and Blandalf (who earned their names because of their ineptitude). They caused zero hits and Blandalf fell to an orc.


  • For the most part, I am playing Age of Heroes as written, except as noted below.
  • Force compositions were slightly different:
    • I used 4 figures teams rather than 5. Don't ask why, it's silly.
    • Once again, the orcs had no upgrades (although I think they earn one with today's victory).
    • Nocan was the hero, Gimlet was tough (can take 2 hits), and Blandalf had piercing shot (no armor save). The only problem with piercing shot is that my wizards can never hit anything!
  • I transferred movement to a grid, with a maximum move of 3 spaces (vs. 10 cm). Missile weapon range is 10 spaces (vs. 30 cm).
  • I also added an activation roll. On a team's turn, roll a D6 per figure:
    • 1 = figure takes no action this turn
    • 2-3 = figure may move up to 1 space this turn and then attack, or run 2 spaces without attacking
    • 4-5 = figures moves 2 spaces + attack or runs 4 spaces
    • 6 = figure moves 3 spaces + attack or runs 6 spaces
I like the fog of war that the activation roll creates. It especially makes my solo games more interesting.

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