Sunday, July 23, 2023

The Dead Zone

That's what this blog has been lately.

A picture of me LARPing as a death knight

No Wargames
I've been directing most of my energy to planning for LARP. As a result, wargaming has fallen by the wayside.

  • The Four Against Darkness campaign with my brother and friend has fizzled out for the moment.
  • I received some 28mm miniatures for a Song of Blades and Heroes campaign, but they're just sitting on my painting desk.
  • And I failed to play my traditional July 4th Revolutionary War game!
LARP Thoughts
In the interim, I've been debating ways to get more people involved in my LARP. I briefly toyed with a ranger campaign, but that fizzled out as well. I'm still pondering new approaches.

A Board Game!
On Saturday, I met with one of the few remaining members of my LARP group to discuss our future. While chatting, we also played a game of Castle Panic.

  • Early on, I caused a spot of trouble when I drew the "Draw 3 Monsters" token. While picking the extra monsters, I got the "Draw 4 Monsters" token. So, in one turn, I brought 9 monsters onto the board!
  • As a result, we struggled, losing some walls and a couple of towers.
  • Late in the game, two trolls got into the castle and threatened our three remaining towers. But then I had a good turn. 
    • I drew the Barbarian card, which auto kills a monster. One troll dead.
    • I then traded with my partner to get the Scavenge card. This card allows me to pick a card from discard pile. I garb the Barbarian card and slay the second troll.
  • The crisis past, we finished off the last of the monsters.