Saturday, July 6, 2024

The Fourteenth Colony

I played a little American Revolutionary War battle on the 4th.

We have been following the exploits of (fictional) Colonel James Endicott in his attempts to conquer St. Augustine for the American revolutionary forces.

Stymied in his attempts to approach St. Augustine by land, Endicott madly chooses a sea route. Amazingly, he passes the British defending flotilla and arrives at St. Augustine. Endicott then besieges the fort.

Set Up
I based the game on scenario 22 - Ambush from One Hour Wargames.

The British (red) have a unit each of infantry and artillery garrisoning the fort. The relief force of dragoons, regular infantry, and light infantry approach from the north (left).

Endicott has 3 infantry, 1 light infantry, and 1 artillery.

Note: I should have reduced the American quality but I forgot to do so. I swear, it was an accident and not bias! Really!

The Battle
The artillery units trade fire. The British take the worst of it. Meanwhile, the British relief force swings into action. The lights skirmish ineffectively.

The American lights drive off the dragoons then retreat into the buildings. Fire from the British lights drive back the American infantry.

The Americans drive off the British dragoons.

The Americans swarm and eliminate British regulars.

But the British rally, destroying American infantry and driving back the lights.

Then the American artillery blows up its British counterpart.

With the relief force in shambles and his artillery gone, the British commander surrenders!

Florida now becomes an American colony!

Game Notes
  • I finally finish a campaign! It took 5 battles but Endicott pulls off the upset 3 games to 2.
  • Now that this campaign is over, what next for my July 4th games? I'm thinking of a West Florida campaign.
  • You may have noticed some changes to my game components:
    • I have new casualty markers. Just some simple red pill shapes. I like them better than my prior markers.
    • I used some buildings from my 2mm-3mm campaigns. Nicer than the flats I've been using.
    • My new artillery counters made their debut.
  • I almost didn't get the game in because Onyx decided to join. However, I went upstairs to get something, he followed and got distracted. This gave me an opportunity.


  1. Congratulations on finishing the campaign. I do like your games that are on small grid footprints like this one on 5x5.

  2. Thank you. I'm considering an increase to 5 x 7 because that's what will fit in the box I have.
