Sunday, March 11, 2018

A Fighting Retreat

Since last week's skirmishes, I've been jotting down ideas for sci fi ground combat rules. I decided to experiment today using conventional forces (i.e. no mechs).

I decided to bring back my scratch built forces, made with wood, rice, thin spaghetti, and a lentil. They may be crude but they have a certain charm in my eyes.

Battle Report
After defeat at Vesta, the human forces are in full retreat. The robot vanguard seeks to cut of the retreat while the humans try to fend off the pursuit.

The humans (brown - on left) have crossed the river and are making a strategic hill.

As the robots advance, the humans lay down savage fire.

Two robot armored units are destroyed. Alas, robot infantry takes out the sole human armored unit.

 Human infantry holds the bridge against sustained attacks.

But the robots cross the north bridge.

The humans defeat an armored assault and hold the south bridge.

Then the humans on the hill drive off a robot assault.

With only a missile launcher left, the robot commander calls off the pursuit. The humans are saved! For the moment . . .

Game Notes

  • I used scenario 20 - fighting retreat from One Hour Wargames. The robots had to seize the hill by turn 15; I threw in the towel by turn 8. Total game time was about half an hour.
  • I'm still playing around with the unit factors. I definitely need to beef up the armor's defense.
  • Update: I forgot to mention that I made this part of an ongoing campaign that began over a year ago and subsequently stalled. Now the robots are up 2 victories to 1.

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