Sunday, July 1, 2018

A Raider Runs Through It

Recently Ganesha Games announced that Star Eagle, its space fighter ruleset, is available as a PDF for $10. The price seemed reasonable so I picked up a copy. I've only glanced at the rules but they inspired me to pull out my latest space fighter rules.

Two Federation fighters scramble to intercept an Imperial raider. It is escorted by a pair of Imperial fighters (Note: I ran this as a fairly vanilla scenario. All fighters have the same agility and are experienced pilots).

Blue 2 gets a shot at the raider. Lasers scorch the raider's armor but have no lasting effect.

Both Federation fighters line up for a firing pass but only score superficial damage.

Blue 2 makes a firing pass along the length of the raider. Its shots penetrate, damaging the raider.

Blue 1 tries a pass, but one of the escorts destroys it. Meanwhile, Blue 2 takes damage from the raider's defensive guns.

Blue 2 tries one more shot but misses.

It then breaks off the fight. It will be up to anti-rocket artillery to drive off the raider.

Alas, not a particularly auspicious outing for the Federation.

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