Saturday, December 8, 2018

Falling Bomb(er)s Over Lucrania

I'm off work today so I decided to test the Battle of Britain rules recently mentioned in a TWW post (see yesterday's post for more info). I used planes that I painted for Aetheria, my 1930s pulp-style imagi-nation setting. In this scenario, the Empire of the Iron Fist has launched an air raid on its neighbor Lucrania.

Because I lack the requisite number of bombers, I halved the number of planes.

The Raid
An Imperial raid consisting of 3 Condor bombers and a Raptor escort (red) cross into Lucranian airspace. The defenders scramble their forces - A Peregrine (red, white, and blue) and 2 Goshawk fighters rise to the occasion.

The Raptor makes a pass at the Peregrine, but misses. Meanwhile, a Goshawk gets behind the bombers and brings one down.

The lead Goshawk gets another bomber while the second Goshawk brings down the Raptor.

The Peregrine then brings down the last bomber.

Lucranian ground targets have been saved!

Maneuvering was more interesting than I expected. Random movement points created a degree of uncertainty that is welcome in a solo game. The maneuver limitations required a degree of thought while maneuvering - it was not always straightforward how to line up a firing pass.

Combat turned out to be very bloody (at least for the Empire). Once contact was made, the battle was over in 3 turns (partly because my forces were limited). I'd like to see a little more difficulty in bringing down planes. I may allow bombers to take damage (lose 1 engine on the first hit) and also may consider a saving roll.

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