Thursday, October 29, 2020

Resources for Solo RPGs

 I'm still on an RPG kick, but find myself playing solo. I have been discovering some useful resources.

First, I have been watching a YouTube series called Me, Myself, and Die.

In this series, Trevor Devall (the voice behind Rocket Raccoon), plays a solo roleplaying campaign.

I am intrigued by the various resources he uses to randomize events and characters. I am familiar with some but others are new to me. I am investigating some of his other resources for use in my own campaigns.

One of these resources is The Perilous Wilds, a supplement for the Dungeon World RPG. It is pretty much system agnostic, providing a bunch of charts to randomize adventures.

Alas, I tried creating a dungeon using the rules and found it very boring (it turned out to be very short and without any combat). My current method of randomizing the adventure actually works better for my purposes. Yet there are still some good ideas in there.

Ultimately, I want to come up with my own random tables, inspired by TPW and other randomizers. Right now my goal is to create a simple table to generate the adventure theme. Interestingly, a while ago I did a very simple one for my sci-fi skirmishes. I'd like to do something similar for my fantasy RPGs.

Stay tuned. I'll be posting more RPG musings. 

And when will I get back to miniatures? I wish I could say, but I have to follow my GADD (Gamer's Attention Deficit Disorder).

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