Saturday, April 17, 2021

The Stone of An-Makeran

 A Khamen and Candorra Adventure - Part 1C of the Six Stones of Sorcery

Previously, the party consisting of our heroes Khamen and Candorra and their guide Abdul has descended to the lowest level of the tomb of An-Makeran.

They pass through a room (13) where the walls are writhing masses of human forms. These lost souls are moaning in agony. The sight is so chilling that our heroes' hearts are filled with fear (causes penalty on attacks)

In the next room (14), they discover a portal. They had been forewarned by a friendly ghost (in room 8) so they skirt away from the portal. But a demon jumps out and attacks Abdul. He is able to dodge and Candorra shoots it. It turns on Candorra. As it turns, Abdul strikes it. Stung by the attacks of our heroes, the demon retreats through the portal.

Finally, the party reaches the room of An-Makeran (15). As they enter the room, the mummy rises from its sarcophagus.

It lunges at Khamen, but he dodges and strikes. Candorra empties her quiver into the mummy, but it seems un-phased by the arrows. It begins lashing out wildly at our heroes, knocking Abdul and Khamen to their feet. He then grabs Candorra by the neck and begins choking her. She struggles but cannot break his grip. As her strength waned, she manages to croak out a spell. A ball of fire explodes into the mummy's face. It drops her and spins around, trying to put out the flames. At this point, Khamen rushes up and with a mighty blow strikes off the mummy's head.

OK, I changed things around a bit for dramatic effect. For example, Candorra actually fireballed the mummy near the beginning of the battle, before it seriously wounded her.

With their victory, they return to the djinn (11). He gives them a key.

"Wait," Khamen complains. "You were supposed to give us the Stone."

"That is the key to the Stone. Go to the treasure room on the level above and claim your prize."

The party goes to the treasure room (5). There are 4 skeletal guardians, but our heroes manage to cut them down easily. And there, in a coffer, they find the Stone of An-Makeran, first of the Stones of Sorcery.

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