Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Quickie Waterloo

I managed to squeeze in a quick game.

A Fast Play Version
Time was short so I decided to try out a extra fast play version of MicroBattle. Some of the features of this version.
  • Each unit represents a corps of troops.
    • You'll notice there is no artillery. I assume that artillery is attached.
  • The battlefield is a 5 by 5 grid.
  • I roll a single die per attack. A success means the attackers win; otherwise they lose.
  • Losing units take a disorder marker (2 = eliminated). I also roll to see if the unit also must retreat.
  • A unit can attempt to rally rather than taking other actions.
The Scenario
I loosely based this scenario on the Battle of Waterloo, using this map from Absolute Emperor. I created the orange boxes to identify the corps.

This gives 6 corps for the French and 4 for the British. I simplified the setup greatly; Here is how it came out.

The British are outnumbered but they only need to hold on until the Prussians arrive. I rolled randomly to determine how long that would be. Turns out Napoleon needs to defeat Wellington in 4 turns.

The Battle
The French advance. The defenders repulse them from Hougoumont (left). But the French have more success in the center.
Note: The red markers indicate disordered units.

The British counterattack. They rout the French attacking Hougoumont and hold back the attackers on the ridge.

But the French push back and rout a corps on the ridge.

And then the French finish off the defenders on the ridge.

Napoleon wins!

By and large, I'm using the MicroBattle rules. 

There are 2 major differences.
  • Each army has fewer than 6 units.
  • Units are automatically disordered if defeated
As a result, game play only lasted about 10 minutes. Just what I was looking for.


  1. A quick, simple battle Kevin. As far as I can see, the only negative being that the Frenchies won ☹️
    Hopefully Wellington will be ready to “go at it again” once the Prussians arrive.

    1. Hmm. You gave me an idea for the next scenario

  2. Really like the fast play battle and how it went. Slowly you are coming around to a single d6 for resolution. lol. Next thing you know you will be including retreat into the single roll (e.g. on a natual 1 retreat, or maybe if lost by 2 or more or a natural 1 is roll, retreat).
