Saturday, June 1, 2024

Memorial Day Tank on Tank

To commemorate Memorial Day, I decided to play a WW2 battle using Tank on Tank.

Set Up
This is scenario 2 from the West Front module.

The objective is simple - destroy the other side, In addition, the Americans can win if they seize 2 towns.

Here is the initial set up. The Germans have units in two of the objective towns.

I'm playing the Americans (bottom).

The Battle
The Americans move out. With excellent command & control (I received the maximum 4 actions this turn), they manage to wipe out 2 German units.

The Germans draw first blood.

Note: Lesson learned. Do not put your command units in front! This will cause me to waste an action next turn promoting another unit to command.

The Yankee swarm continues. Two more German units gone!

The Americans lose a unit. Still, this is a favorable exchange for the Americans. If they keep killing at a 2:1 pace they'll win.

Only 1 German this turn.

The Tigers strike back. Two Americans gone.

Then another.

And another. Oh oh, things are going south!

The Americans get organized and swarm a Tiger unit. It goes down!

But another American drops.

And another. Curse those Tigers! If we can just get that last Tiger, we'll be sitting pretty.

Need a 9 on 2D6 to hit. Success! The last Tiger is gone.

And the Americans mop up the last Pz IV for the win!

1 comment:

  1. I suppose we can’t take the game outcome literally. Surely if the Germans saw they were being well and truly hammered then I wouldn’t envisage there being too many circumstances in which they would stay around to be wiped out. I would probably regard “destroyed” units as those that have suffered such significant losses that they cannot effectively continue the fight (so either withdraw to regroup, maybe even surrender - and only very, very rarely where the unit is utterly destroyed.
