Monday, May 20, 2024

Tank on Tank

Vacation News
I'm on vacation! That means you may be getting a slew of content, assuming I get a chance to play.

First Up
I'm going to start my vacation postings with a quick post about a board game.

Recently, I happened to stumble on a board game sale at Lock 'n Load Publishing. Tank on Tank was going for only $17.50!

Several years ago I purchased the computer version and I liked the game. Alas, that computer died and I don't know where the game files went.

Anyway, I now have an analog version.

First Game
I played the first scenario last week. Both the Americans (left) and Germans are trying to secure 3 towns in the central part of the board.

Here are the opening positions.

I'm not going to give a turn by turn recounting. However, here is a crucial turn. Having missing on attack where they only needed a 5 on 2D6, the Americans scored 2 unlikely kills (they needed an 8 and a 9 on 2D6). The counters with crosses represent the destroyed units.

The final turn. The Americans hold all 3 towns.

ToT has a lot of elements I like.
  • The rules are simple. They are somewhat abstract but the game is still fun.
  • It was a quick game. I did not track the time but I guess that it was under 30 minutes. I think later scenarios are somewhat longer. But it is still a quick game.
  • The board is bigger than my homebrew games but it was still somewhat compact - 11" x 17" in believe/
Drawbacks? There are a couple.
  • WW2 is not a particularly favorite period of mine. Therefore, I see this as a game with which I will occasionally dabble.
  • As mentioned, it was a little bigger than my typical games. As such, it won't always fit on my gaming spaces. For example, I played this scenario on a footstool in my bedroom. And yes, I often play there. I did not have room for rolling dice so I rolled in a box on the floor. The size may inhibit play.
Despite these drawbacks, I'm glad I bought the game. I see myself using it as a filler game on occasion.

1 comment:

  1. Have you thought about using a suitably sized pin-board? You could maybe even magnetise the board and counters - so you would even be able to store it upright. This option might not be the “right fit” this is going to be a game you only play occasionally, but there’s a lot to be said for small-ish games played on something cheap & easily portable such as a pin-board.
