Wednesday, July 17, 2019

MicroBattle: FIRE

I experimented some more with my micro battle rules.

They are designed to be usable for ancient through horse & musket eras. I am calling them MicroBattle: Fire & Sword.

This was a test of the Fire (i.e. horse & musket) part of the rules. The scenario is from One Hour Wargames; it is # 27 - Disordered Defense. The Blue army is defending the crossroads. Initially it is outnumbered by the Red invaders, but reinforcements are on the way.

Red marches towards the crossroads.

The sides get stuck in. Blue cavalry overruns one unit of Red infantry.
  And then another.

Soon the artillery falls. The defenders didn't even need reinforcements!

Well, I did not expect such a pushover. I suspected that it was primarily due to some really shabby dice-rolling for the Red army. I decided to try again.

This time, Red led with the artillery, which provided an initial bombardment. Then the infantry went in and drove off the Blue infantry. Then the Blue reinforcements arrive.

In the center, the Blue cavalry is lost charging the Red guns. However, the Blue infantry runs off its red counterpart.

But the artillery and light infantry drive off the formerly victorious Blue infantry. Another Blue unit routs on the right flank.

The battle is Red's!

OK, that was a bit more even. I think Thomas designed the scenario for the initial Blue defense to get beaten but the reinforcements to allow Blue to recoup the situation. This could have happened in the second attempt. When the reinforcement arrived both armies had 4 units, but Red had 2 units with casualties. If rolls went Blue's way, the result could have changed.

This was also an experiment to see if I could play a full-size OHW scenario on a 6 x 8 grid. It seemed to work fine.

I am now thinking of a modern/sci-fi variant. Thinking of calling it MicroBattle: Fireteam.

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