Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Happy Birthday!

Today marks this blog's 3rd birthday!

Yes, three years ago today my blog started, with a whimper. There were no pictures and no real content, just a promise that there would be something. Since then, a lot has happened. Oh, not in the way I envisioned back then. I was planning for more campaigns and associated game reports. I did not expect to be so flighty in my gaming. Oh well, it's been a good ride.

One unexpected discovery was that I really enjoy blogging. It's like keeping a journal and can be interesting to go back and see what was going on in the past.

Anyway, I may not post as much as in previous years (I'm thinking once a week this year) but this blog will continue.

1 comment:

  1. "It's like keeping a journal and can be interesting to go back and see what was going on in the past."

    With my blog I actually find the musings about optional rules and similar things useful when I pick up a project I discarded a year or so previously :)
