Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Tweaking My Blocks

A couple of weeks ago, I stated that I had some ideas to improve the look of my block armies. I ran a brief game to test them out.

First, I added small bits of craft stick to each block and painted them different colors. The idea was that the sticks would represent unit flags. You can see my first trial on my blue units.

The "flags" allow me to identify the units by color. Above, 3 companies of Bluderian infantry (Red, White, and Blue Companies) are beset by native tribesmen in the Hottendri Desert.

Next I had an idea for casualty markers. I took some clear acrylic bases and painted brown marks on them. They are supposed to represent graves. Anyway, some have 1 mark and others have 2. In my latest rules, units break on the 3rd casualty.

As you can see above, Red Company has taken severe losses while White Company has taken minor losses.

Red and White Companies would be overrun. Severely battered, Blue Company would beat a hasty retreat.

I used black pipe cleaners to mark routed units (just because that was what I had available). I now need to come up with a routed marker.


  1. I wonder what percentage of people who buy "pipe cleaners" actually use them for cleaning pipes?

    Then again, I bought about a hundred oh... it must be about 40 years ago. And I've still got them. Somewhere. I think I dyed most either grey/black or green to represent 6mm scale stone walls and hedges.



  2. LOL. Never thought of that but now that I do it's particularly ironic that Michael's sells them in the kid's craft section.
