Using Four Against Darkness
Part 1A of the Six Stones of Sorcery Campaign
Sent by the Temple on a quest to find the Six Stones of Sorcery, our heroes have traveled to the thriving port city of Alatar, in the kingdom of Palmeria. It is a hot desert land, watered by the great river Phiaro and famed for its palms, pyramids, and rumors of mummies. Khamen the rogue and Candorra the elf are searching for clues about the whereabouts of the Stones. And if you are in need of information, there is no better place than the renowned Library of Alatar, said to be the storehouse of all human knowledge.
At the library, our heroes convince the librarian Atoz (yes, a homage to a Star Trek episode) to help them out. He suspects that any information will be contained in the labyrinthine catacombs below the library. However, the labyrinth has been locked shut because of rumors that foul creatures had taken up residence there. Nevertheless, Atoz agrees to accompany the party.
Khamen and Candorra are level 3 each. I added Atoz as an NPC - a 1st level wizard
The Labyrinth
As the party approaches the labyrinth they find that the door has been forced open.
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The Labyrinth |
"Erlich." notes Candorra. "That can't be good."
"I suppose they are looking for the same information as us." replies Khamen.
Our heroes proceed through the winding labyrinth, inspecting the shelves filled with ancient scrolls. None have the information they seek. They also encounter a ghost (2), fight off skeletons (3 and 6), dodge a boulder (4), and find a statue (5). Atoz takes some wounds so Candorra uses a bandage and healing potion on him.
They come across an underground river (7). Two crocodiles surge out of the river and attack. Atoz kills one with a lightning bolt; the other dives back into the river and swims away.
After surviving a swarm of scarab beetles and a pack of zombies (rooms 8 and 9), the party comes to a dead end (10).
"There must be more!" exclaims Atoz. "Look for a secret door."
Atoz is correct, and Candorra finds the door. They proceed into a room (11) filled with scrolls. In the center is an altar dedicated to the goddess of knowledge, Almarif. Atoz bows before the altar and feels that his mind is enlightened. I rolled the Blessed Temple, but since I knew that there would not be any more undead, I changed the benefit to one more fitting to the final confrontation.
"Come," says Atoz as he heads toward the next room, "the answer we seek is this way." Khamen and Candorra exchange puzzled glances. Khamen just shrugs and follows, with Candorra at his heels.
The Boss Encounter
(Sorry that this is so long-winded. Scroll down if you just want the bottom line).
They enter a huge cavern (12) with a ceiling that seems to stretch into infinity. On the far side is a book upon a pedestal.
"Is that it?" asks Khamen as he begins to cross the cavern. Then there is the swoosh of wings beating and a huge winged beast descends. Khamen has to leap away from the leonine figure. It is a sphinx!
"Halt." it commands. "I am the guardian of the Book of the Magi. I cannot allow anyone who is unworthy to touch it."
"And how do you determine if we are worthy?" asks Candorra.
"We shall play the riddle game. You must take turns answering a riddle that I ask. Once you answer three riddles, I shall surrender the Book to you. If you miss a riddle you must pay, in blood. Are your ready?"
Atoz steps forward. "Ask your riddles, guardian. We shall play your game."
"Very well, you first librarian."
The sphinx asks the first riddle.
"I know that!" exclaims Atoz. He then proclaims an answer. The sphinx smiles enigmatically.
"You are wrong, librarian." it declares. It leaps forward and rakes Atoz with huge claws. The librarian collapses to the ground. Candorra rushes over to succor his wounds.
"You are next, elf maid." declares the sphinx. Candorra stands to face him and he asks the next riddle. She is puzzled and fails to answer. The guardian lashes out, but she ducks. His claws graze her, drawing blood but she avoids serious damage.
"You seek to avoid payment?" the sphinx asks testily.
Candorra shows him a gash on her arm. "You did not say how much blood." she retorts.
The sphinx smiles. "Very well, then. New rule - if you can avoid my attacks, I shall forfeit your payment. Next is the human."
Khamen readies himself. He cannot answer the riddle but is able to dodge the attack and remains unscathed.
The sphinx turns to the librarian. In a painful, wheezing breath, Atoz says " I am near death's door. I cannot play anymore."
"Take this," says Candorra, handing him the last healing potion.
"I cannot"
"Take it," she asserts. "We cannot do this without you."
Atoz downs the potion. His wounds heal and he is able to stand. The sphinx asks the next riddle.
"Now I know this one." Atoz declares and answers the question.
"This time, you are correct. That is one. Elf?"
Candorra misses again. She dodges the attack but takes another wound.
Khamen readies himself for the next question. When he hears it, he begins to chuckle.
"This is no laughing matter!" Candorra scolds him.
"And you complain about my spending time in taverns!" Khamen replies. Candorra gives him a puzzled look.
"I lost a bar bet on this riddle! But now I know the answer." Khamen then gives the correct answer.
"You are the last one, elf." states the sphinx. "Answer or pay."
She misses again. This time the sphinx is ready for her dodge. He adjusts his attack and inflicts two serious wounds. Candorra falls to her knees. She knows that she must answer the next one, or die.
The sphinx, a gleam of triumph in his eye, asks the final riddle.
Hesitantly, Candorra answers. The sphinx scowls. "That is correct" it says and then flies off.
After winning the riddle battle with the sphinx, the party recovers the Book of the Magi. Atoz pages through it.
"Yes, yes. This information is priceless. I am sure it will have the answer to your question."
Khamen and Atoz help the wounded Candorra along as they retrace their steps through the labyrinth. Fortunately, they make it back without incident. They return to Atoz's office where he begins to pore over the Book.
"I may take some time to find the information you seek. Return in a few days and I will let you know."
"No can do, Atoz." Khamen replied. "With the Cult of Erlich on the loose, we cannot leave the Book unguarded. We will stay here with you."
"Ah yes, that is a wise precaution. Well, make yourself comfortable. It may be some time." With that, he returned to his study.
What will Atoz learn from the Book of the Magi? Find out next time!
And stay tuned for a series of posts this week about this campaign!
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