Saturday, March 5, 2022

A Captive Audience

The 1666 Campaign with Hans Neimand

I know; I'm supposed to flip back to an RPG report. But honestly, I haven't been feeling it lately. Instead, I decided to play another 1666 skirmish.

The Situation
After defeating the troll, Niemand leads his forces across the river and through the woods.

Emerging from the woods, he spies a hamlet. A small detachment of Turkish soldiers stands guard.

A view of the hamlet as dawn's shadows (literally) play upon it

Neimand decides on a quick strike in order to take some captives for interrogation.

The Skirmish
Neimand leads his cavalry in a charge on the guards. The Turks fire and empty some saddles.

More Turks pour from the house and come thundering across the bridge.
Meanwhile, The guards retire into the hamlet, firing as they go. Their shot scatters the cavalry.

Neimand manages to escape, and form a defensive line as his infantry marches up.

But Turkish firepower scatters the dragoons on the right.

And as the cavalry comes up, Neimand's men can see the unnatural, ashen pallor on the horsemen's faces. They flee back into the woods.

Fortunately, Neimand's troops are able to shake the pursuit in the woods.

But now, Neimand's way forward is blocked. What should he do now? Return home with what little information he has, or find another way?

Game Notes
I rolled to determine a Pikeman's Lament scenario and came up with Morning Assault. I tweaked the situation a tad so that it makes sense within the ongoing narrative.


  1. A dilemma for Neimand… Hmmm - what to do?
    Is there anything from the devils encountered that Niemand could take back to the main army to show “proof” of devilry? I appreciate his valour, but someone needs to warn the main army (even if only a messenger).
    How many men does each small unit represent? Is it, say, just 4 or 5 (a handful) or is it 20+ (a significant number)?
    Good luck with your decision making, as Neimand and his forces have to fight whatever-comes-next.

  2. I envision these games as a 1:1 scale, so Neiman has a couple dozen or so men with him. Yes, he can send back messengers.
    I put this campaign on hold because I ordered some more figs to do proper Turks and Austrians. I finished the Turks but have lolly gagged with the Austrians.
