Sunday, March 13, 2022

Return to LARP and other happenings

Return to LARP
You'll notice that my game posts have started to drop off. That's not unusual. My gaming tends to be active in January - February then tapers off. But there is another reason this year.

As Omicron abates, I am able to return to the LARP battlefield. Last weekend was my first time out since before Christmas. I also may be working on some LARP projects, which will curtail my gaming time.

Some Painting Progress
I managed to complete some Turks before my momentum wore off.

I have some Imperialists on the painting table. We'll see how long it takes to finish them.


  1. I have zero painting skills, so I merely buy and base the 2mm figures I need and then have them professionally painted. The price is reasonably inexpensive (I also provide the guy with painting instructions - colours etc). I’m very happy - figures painted to a very good standard and for relatively little £££’s.

  2. I toyed with the idea of getting them done professionally but couldn't find anyone who paints 2mm. Who do you use?
