Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Disaster in the Air

While sorting through some of my game boxes, I came across my planes. I decided to do a bomb run.

The Squadron
Last time, the squadron lost Alice with Malice.

For this mission, the squadron has a new plane, Darling Dinah

The complete roster:
  • Bouncing Betty (front)
  • Charming Charlotte (left)
  • Darling Dinah (right)
The Objective
Again, the squadron receives a medium length mission.

The Mission
The squadron faces minor resistance. Betty takes some damage.

Over the target, flak hits Betty and Dinah. The squadron's bombing is inaccurate.

As the squadron heads for home, a swarm of fighters pounce. Dinah takes heavy damage.

Despite shooting down a couple of fighters, Dinah goes down in flames.

The enemy turns its attention on Betty. She goes down next.

Charlotte manages to evade the enemy and make it back home with only light damage.

The Campaign
This was the sixth mission of the campaign. I planned on a 7-mission campaign, but with this debacle, the squadron had already lost 4 missions. With the campaign a failure, I decided to call a premature end. I'll reform the squadron and start another campaign at a later date.


  1. You mentioned the ‘failure’ of the campaign. Is that because you need to amend/tinker with the rules of the plane “stats” or rather that the squadron was unable to achieve its objectives? What changes, if any, do you think you’ll need when/if the next campaign is started?
    By coincidence Kaptain Kobold (Alan Saunders) has just updated his WW1 aerial Spandau & Lewis rules. Very nice.

    1. The squadron failed. They had 2 wins and 4 losses in 6 missions. I initially planned for 7 missions, but with 4 losses already there was no way they could win. And after losing 2/3 of their planes, well the survivors needed a break.
      I've played Spandau & Lewis before. Excellent rules. They just take up a but more space than I have right now.
