Thursday, April 6, 2023

Price Cut and Stuff

Price Cut
I haven't had any takers for my some of my recent miniature giveaways. I'd hate to just throw these away. Therefore I'm cutting the price. How can I cut the price on free items? I'll cover shipping costs up to $20.

Crazy Busy
There's a lot going on. Between LARP, home repairs, watching the Chosen, and an upcoming minor surgery, I haven't had time for gaming.

Counter Attack
Due to home repairs, I had to pack up my painting table. Therefore I have made no progress on my 2mm Napoleonic armies.

Instead, I worked on the latest iteration of my top-down counters. I like how they came out.

Each army consists of 7 bases of regular infantry, 3 bases each of light infantry, cavalry, and artillery, a pair of generals, and 6 casualty counters. Should be more than enough.

I have some brown Litko bases already, but I will probably order more in national colors. I think it may make it easier to identify the nationalities on the table.

So yes, it seems I am moving away from miniature gaming and becoming a home brew board gamer. 


  1. For what it’s worth Kevin there was mention a few days ago that Mike Lambo is currently working on a “Battles of Napoleonic Europe” gamebook title. I know you are a fan of his gamebook Battles of Medieval Britain, so it might be worth keeping an eye out for further developments.
    It’s crazy no-one has snatched your hand off (or is that maybe just a British phrase?) for the freebies. I could have been interested in the Ancients, but I’m in the UK and already far, far too invested in 2mm.
    It’s a long weekend coming up here in the UK - so hopefully some nice weather for a bit of gardening or (if the weather is not so nice) maybe yet more basing figures. One day soo I might even get a game in 🤣😂

    1. Thanks for the tip. I'll keep an eye out for Lambo Napoleonics. Enjoy the long weekend!

  2. It has been nice and sunny day (Good Friday) here in jolly old England and, at least, our grass has now been cut. Our Jack Russell’s will doubtless now be able to run around without getting too damp/dirty. I have had to keep an especially keen eye on ‘em to make sure they don’t chew anything that has been sprayed with weed killer. The exertion of the gardening has made me somewhat “plumb jiggered” as they say (tired) so I expect a good nights sleep tonight 🥱😴
