Sunday, January 28, 2018

Six Game Challenge - Dragon Rampant

My 2018 challenge is to play 6 games that I never played before. First up is Dragon Rampant.

In a previous post, I discussed some of my concerns about the rules and my approach to handling them. Let's see how things went.

First, I had to stat up two armies. The first was a Narnian army. From top to bottom, the blocks represent Centaurs (Light Riders), Big Cats (Lesser Warbeasts), Fauns (Light Foot), Dwarven Archers (Light Missiles with the Sharpshooter option), Talking Beasts (Light Foot), and Talking Mice (Bellicose Foot).

The Narnians' opponent was the Telmarine invaders. Their army consisted of Knights (Heavy Riders), 3 units of spearmen (Heavy Foot), and 2 units of archers (Heavy Missiles)

The two armies line up, ready for a do-or-die fight (I played the first scenario - Gory Bloodbath on the Plains of Doom). The objective is to destroy more of the enemy.

Early on, the dwarven archers (green) manage to batter the knights. The knights would rally.

The armies maneuver into position, with the Narnians creating a defensive line in the woods.

The Narnians tried a two-pronged attack on the Telmarine spears near the forest. Both Narnian units were repelled with heavy losses.

At this point, the Narnians grew disheartened and retreated from the field  (even though the game was far from over, I had enough and called it quits).

I only took a few photos of the game, but I managed to get a dozen or so turns in. Unfortunately, most turns only involved 1 or 2 (and some involved no) units activating,

What I Liked
What attracted me to DR and made me want to try it was that unit creation is very versatile. There are generic unit categories, and it is fairly easy to fit fantastical units into those categories. For example, my army included a pack of big cats, centaurs, fauns, and berserker mice!

What Surprised Me
I spotlighted a few concerns in my post discussing my preparations. In particular, I worried about tracking casualties, the buckets of dice, and the table size. Well, I used a roster, I was able to scrounge the dice from One Deck Dungeon, and my calculations to scale down the table seemed to work well.

I was also concerned about using my blocks; would I be able to distinguish the different troops? Well, using color coding worked fine. It did not take me long to remember which unit was which.

What Bothered Me
In the course of playing the game, some other concerns arose:

  • Activation - I rolled so poorly that in most turns, only a couple (at most) units could move. I found this very frustrating.
  • Low Casualty Rates - Most combats seemed to cause only 1 or 2 casualties. Given that foot units could take 12 casualties, it seemed like it would take a lot of fighting to destroy a unit. Because I like short games, I prefer more decisive combat results.
  • Too Many Stats - each unit has 10 different statistics (e.g activation values for different situations, armor value, combat to hit numbers, range, and strength points). Because there are so many, I found myself constantly having to check the roster. And I did not even take into account special rules! I understand that the varying stats provide nuance among the different unit categories, but they were just too much for me to juggle.
  • Weak Cavalry - I expected the Telmarine knights to run roughshod over the enemy. Then I realized that they were at a distinct disadvantage (6 strength points to 12 which means they roll half the number of dice in combat). I suppose this is more realistic (cavalry shouldn't be able to steamroll steady foot armed with spears) but I'm looking for a more fantasy feel.
Overall Assessment
I know that this was just one game (not even!) and I would get more comfortable with the rules with more experience. However, I just could not get into the flow of the game. I just feel that these aren't the rules for me, and that I should look elsewhere (actually, I am thinking of trying this same scenario using HOTT)

Saturday, January 27, 2018

Thoughts on Sci Fi Skirmishes

For a change I have a free morning. Soon I'll pull a game out, but for now I want to jot down some thoughts that have been in the back of my mind.

Over the past few weeks I've been considering options for some quick & easy sci fi skirmish gaming. I already have a set of home-brew rules that have provided many enjoyable games (featured in the adventures of Kate and Kip). However, I have become a bit bored of these rules because there is very limited scope for character advancement. They use a die pool mechanism, and adding even a single die to the pool significantly increases a character's power. I'd like something a little more gradual, as is common in role-playing games.

As I poked around the internet, reading reviews of various sci fi skirmish games and investigating free rules, I realized that skirmish wargame rules don't really offer the type of advancement I want. What I really need is a light RPG. This got me thinking back to a previous experiment that I called Kevin's Krawl. KK used a 2D6 task resolution system akin to Traveler. I successfully used KK variants for my solo Space Templars campaign and a short-lived lacepunk campaign played with my wife and brother.

The main issue with KK is that I never developed character advancement rules. I then began thinking of ways to tack some on. My preference is for a class-based system with levels (like D&D) because this makes character creation so much easier. In a roundabout way, this led me to X-plorers.

X-plorers is an old school style science fiction RPG using a simple D20 system. You can get a copy for free from RPG Now. I picked it up years ago when I was searching for a solo sci fi RPG and saw a review on Grognardia. It intrigued me and the price was right. I ended up not using it, primarily because there is no class that would allow me to play not-Jedi knights. Nevertheless, I like the character advancement system, with its 10 levels in each class. So now I am pondering how to convert X-plorers character classes and advancement to a 2D6 system.

Tuesday, January 23, 2018


It's been over two weeks since my last post. I had planned to try out Dragon Rampant in those two weeks, but other things keep intruding.

Things have been breaking around the house, requiring some time to fix them.

  • I finally got around to fixing the fence that was damaged during Hurricane Irma
  • My car needed some work so I had to take it into the shop
  • Ours sliding glass door wasn't sliding properly. We could barely open it. This was a dire emergency because the cats insist on using the patio. I had to arrange for a repair man to come out. Good news - crisis averted and the cats can now sun themselves at their leisure
My medieval/fantasy live action role playing group has decided to do a feast in early March. I am currently doing some recipe research and experimentation.

My main source has been this book, the official Game of Thrones cookbook:

Some of the recipes are more medieval-ish rather than historically accurate. But that's OK, because my group does fantasy rather than living history.

Anyway, tried out the Tyroshi Honeyfingers yesterday and they were excellent! Can't wait to serve them at the feast! By the way, some recipes can be found at the Inn at the Crossroads.

I spent last Saturday at Triune Shores, the West Palm Beach group. Some good fighting, but of course that meant no gaming.

Sci Fi Skirmish
A couple of weeks ago I did have a spare moment for a game, but I was hit with a bout of GADD (gamer's attention deficit disorder). I had an urge to play a sci fi skirmish game but I did not want to use my rules. My latest iteration uses a die pool mechanism. The combat mechanisms work fine, but I would like it to be more RPG-like and allow for character advancement. I feel that most die pool games have very limited advancement opportunities. So I began to investigate sci fi skirmish / light RPG rules.

I started with Rogue Stars by Osprey.

I purchased it when it first came out but was disappointed. My latest perusal did nothing to dispel that disappointment. I don't like that it used d20 and I find character creation to be too fiddly and detailed.

I didn't have much luck with my search, and then other distractions put my investigation on hold.

Sunday, January 7, 2018

Preparing for Dragon Rampant

The first game in my 2018 Six Game Challenge will be Dragon Rampant.

I purchased this a while back and have read through it. While there are many aspects that I like, overall it seemed like too much of a hassle to convert to my preferred gaming style. What factors are problematic for me?

Individually-Based Figures
The rules seem geared for 25/28mm figures, each individually based. I prefer micro-figures so individual basing is not possible. One can get around this by using a lot of markers or keeping a roster and checking off casualties.

Buckets of Dice
A foot unit will roll 12 D6s when it attacks. I don't even know if I have 12 D6s! I toyed with the idea of reducing the number of dice, but think it might break the game.

Table Size
The rules don't specify a required table size, but the author does recommend a 4 ft x 6 ft table. My table is not that big! In fact, I would like to use my portable wargame kit, which features a diminutive 8 inch x 10 inch board.

The first two objections are not really a problem for my initial experiment. I can scrounge up enough dice and use a roster. My biggest problem is with the table size - I need to scale down. But how?

I actually started with the units themselves. DR recommends mounting infantry figures on 20-25mm bases. Let's use 25mm, which is approximately 1 inch. If we have our figures in 2 ranks, an infantry unit will have a frontage of 6 inches. My bases are 1 inch wide. So that is a 1/6 ratio.
Correction - my bases are 20mm wide, which would be 1/6 for 20mm bases. I initially did the math wrong because my assumption about base size was incorrect

At a 1/6 ratio, what is our table size? A 4 x 6' table would scale down to 8 x 12". That's pretty close to my 8x10" board.

Next we have to scale down movement and missile ranges. Missiles are easy; they have a range of 6, 12, or 18", which scale down to 1, 2, or 3 inches.

Movement becomes more difficult, however, because they are not in 6" increments. Some troop types move 8 or 10", which leaves me dealing with fractional inches. What if I measure in centimeters instead? Well, at 1/6, 8" becomes 3.4 cm and 10" becomes 4.2 cm. Seems a bit fiddly.

I did some more number crunching and eventually tried out a 1/5 ratio. Here are the conversions:

6" becomes 3cm
8" becomes 4cm (actually 4.1 but close enough. The rest are similarly rounded)
10" becomes 5cm
12" becomes 6cm
18" becomes 9cm

At 1/5, my board equates to 40 x 50", which is slightly smaller than recommended but still reasonable.

So it looks like 1/5 will work.

Saturday, January 6, 2018

High Five

This blog has reached a milestone - its five-year anniversary.

It began because I wanted to get back into games with physical components after spending some time focused on video and computer games. At the time, I wasn't sure if I'd keep it up; I was surprised that I made it a year (let alone 5). However, I found blogging to be very rewarding and it has become part of my regular routine. I'm looking forward to another 5, and more, years!

I am also approaching another milestone - 500 posts. At my typical pace, I'll probably get there in a few months.

Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Twelve Games of Christmas - 2017 Edition

It has begun. For the fourth year in a row, we have begun the Twelve Games of Christmas.

Dec 22
It was actually a spur of the moment decision to start this night. My brothers ended up coming over for the evening so we decided to pull out a couple of simple games.

First up was Welcome to the Dungeon.

It is a push-your-luck card game. Each turn you can add a monster card to the dungeon, remove equipment from the hero, or pass. Once all other players pass, the last remaining player takes control of the hero and tries to make it through the dungeon. My brother Brian made it through in the first round but later failed 2 dungeon delves to get knocked out. My wife also got knocked out. My brother Brett then managed to defeat 2 dungeons to win the game.

Next was Zombie Dice, another push-your-luck game but this time using dice.

Your goal is to roll brains while avoiding shotgun blasts. Brett managed a run of 6 brains in one turn to rush (or more appropriately shamble) to victory!

Dec 23
This night featured a solo play of One Deck Dungeon. Sad to say that the dragon ate my paladin.

Dec 24
Decided to experiment with some bomb run rules (a la B-17: Queen of the Skies), albeit set in space.

Check out the game report

Dec 25
Merry Christmas!
Sadly too sick (very bad cold) for a game.

Dec 26
Another night. Too sick for a game.

Dec 27
Finally got to visit with my brother and receive my gifts from my family. Got Exploding Kittens and had to try it.

It's a very light card game. I played vs my brother earlier and then with my wife. I think it will work better as a party game with 3+ players.

Dec 28
Now my wife has the plague so she was not up for a game. Instead, I pulled out Castle Panic and played solo.

The monsters managed a rush early in the game and managed to knock down 2 towers. Then I lost a third to a giant boulder. My defenses then stiffened and I managed to save the last three towers.

Dec 29
No game.

Dec 30
We played 2 rounds of Exploding Kittens. Elizabeth won both games.

We did an experiment where we increased the number of Exploding Kitten cards. Typically, there is # of players - 1 cards placed in the deck. We added an extra. I think it made it a little more intense.

My wife then suggested adding in all the kittens. As I predicted, however, the game ended way too soon.

We followed that up with some Holiday Fluxx. I won the first hand but cannot remember who won the second.

Dec 31
I fell asleep early so my wife took up the mantle and played a game with her brother. More Exploding Kittens.

Jan 1
I didn't expect to play a game this evening, but Thomasina was in her game spot. We had to indulge her. this time with a round of Love Letter.

My wife won this time (7-4)

And that wrapped up the 12 Games (although we fell short by a couple of games. I'm back to work today so I don't expect any games until the weekend.

Monday, January 1, 2018

What's in Store for 2018?

As per tradition, I will make my (likely inaccurate) prognostications for the coming year. What do I expect to see from my gaming this year?

The Six Game Challenge
Last year, I participated in Kaptain Kobold's Six by Six Challenge. Now 36 games in a year is actually a lot for me (even though I play quick and simple games), so the challenge did get a bit burdensome. Nevertheless, I found it rewarding in that it spurred me to experiment with some new sets of rules I may not have otherwise tried .

This year I want to leverage the most rewarding part of the challenge - trying new games. So this year's challenge is to play 6 new (to me at least) games. I'm not requiring multiple replays, even one play-through counts.

So far I have tentatively chosen 3 games:
I have all of these games; I just haven't bothered to try them yet. I still need to pick 3 more games, although I can wait until later in the year. My goal is to play at least one game from the challenge every 2 months. So this initial selection should last me until July.

A Board Gamer
Last month I mentioned that I was getting jaded with miniatures and was thinking of using more blocks and counters for my games. I expect that this philosophy will continue and that I will have a more extensive inventory of counters.

I have been very pleased with my experiments with boxed games (such as my generic army block kit). I still have some of the items used with earlier games, like this board. I am seriously considering a purge of miniatures and terrain that do not fit into my boxes.

Essentially, I see myself moving away from miniatures and becoming more of a DIY board gamer.