Tuesday, April 18, 2023

The Purge

It began because of a home improvement project. I had to move some bookcases out of the way so I packed up some books, games, CDs, and DVDs. Now, I don't want to unpack them.

So now I plan to divest myself of my superfluous stuff.

I've already begun with some miniatures. I'm seriously considering getting rid of everything except some 2mm forces. 

I'm not sure I want to give them away like the last batches. Dealing with the post office was such a hassle. Right now I just want to chuck them all in the trash.

Games and RPG Books
Originally, I planned to dump these off at Goodwill. But I have a couple of items of some value. Now I'm thinking of selling these items to Noble Knight Games.

Here is a partial list.
History Books
I have an assortment of Ospreys and other history books that I don't read anymore. I'll probably donate these to the library.

CDs and DVDs
With everything going digital, I don't really use CDs or DVDs anymore. For example, I have the extended version of Peter Jackson's Lord of the Rings trilogy on DVD but I still purchased the digital version from Amazon. I'll likely cull out these collections and donate to the library.


  1. That’s a shame Kevin, but understandable. I have more books, comics, magazines than I could possibly read, yet still I buy more. I have a mound of “unpainted lead” but still rationalise that I need a few more. Ohhh, shiny toys …
    Hopefully someone, somewhere will appreciate the gift, whether it’s a library or a gaming club or whatever. In an ideal world the “slim down” will help you concentrate your time, efforts and $$’s to best effect - ideally more games that appeal to you.

  2. I also do regular purges. I have trimmed my gaming collections and books heavily over the years. "Am I going to read or play this (again) somewhere during the next 20 years?' If the answer is an honest "probably not", out it goes. I've donated quite a lot of stuff to the local library and charity shop ...

  3. I find it liberating to trim things down. Less clutter and less angst about unfinished projects
