Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Naval Test Run

I decided to do a test run using my sci-fi rules for a naval action.

Set Up

Here is how I set up the game.
  • I found a piece of blue cloth. I cut it down to 9 x 12 inch.
  • The board is not gridded so I used a ruler I made for a craft stick.
  • I used wood ovals for the ships. I used a marker to draw a flag on the stern and dots on the bow to use for identification.
  • I decided to throw a hill on the board to serve as an island.
  • I'm playing the game on a footstool, using a laptop tray in lieu of a table.

I'm not using different ship types in this experiment. I treated all ships as cruisers.

The Battle
Some near misses on Blue 2.

Blue 2 takes critical damage (2 hits out of 3). Red 1 and 3 take minor damage.

Blue 2 blows up! Red 3 takes more damage and decides to flee.

Blue 1 takes heavy damage.

Blue 3 comes around to protect Blue 1. Blue 3's salvo damages Red 2.

Red 2 and Blue 1 flee. Red 1 decides its at a disadvantage and also withdraws.

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