Monday, July 15, 2024

RIP Cooper

I am grieved to report that one of my cats, Cooper, passed away yesterday. 

Cooper - 2022 (L) and May of this year (R)

He went into surgery for a possible ruptured bowel but the vet found multiple masses, likely cancerous. We chose to put him down rather than prolong his suffering.

Cooper's Story
Our life with Cooper began when we discovered him as an injured stray. We took him to the vet and got him patched up.
Our first picture of Cooper. 2009

He recuperated well, and lived life to the fullest, even though he had arthritis from the leg injury.

He even appeared multiple times on this blog.

This is his first appearance, way back in 2013.
Helping me play Down in Flames.

Here's another good one from 2013. This time he crashed our Game of Thrones dinner.

2016. Cooper photobombs my attempt to take picture of my 3mm troops.

Later in 2016, we played Four Against Darkness, with our cats as characters. I posted this picture of our warrior.

And again from 2016, he helps us with Fortune & Glory.

My last gamer picture of Cooper, from 2021.

After that, with his arthritis really flaring up, Cooper had difficulty jumping up on tables. As a result, I stopped getting candid gamer shots of him. Yet he still gave us a few more years of joy.

We'll miss you, Cooper.


  1. As one who has a cat companion and has had to say goodbye to several cats over the years, I can sympathise with your sorrow at the loss of Cooper. But you obviously have many happy memories of the time you spent together which I hope will comfort you. You can be pleased that you gave him a very good life and spared him suffering at the end.

  2. It is a sad time and feel for you. Have had a few cats over the years, and recently lost our last one in May after 15 years. And I see you have some pictures of Cooper disrupting games. It seems not to be uncommon for cats, and almost mandatory.

    1. Thank you. I think cats are gamers at heart. :)
