Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Fast Play MicroQuest

Back in August, I acquired some fantasy meeples for some fast play dungeon crawls. I only recently managed to use them.

I did not have formalized rules during the game. I just winged it, although I essentially used a variant of MicroBattle.

Since then, I have been working on the rules. Here is what I have so far.

Each character has the following statistics.
  • Class - basically fighters, rogues, or sages
  • Level - measure of the character's skill in the class
  • Armor Class - none, light, medium, or heavy armor, ranging from 0 to 3 points
  • Hit Points - characters start with 2-3 hit points
  • Special Abilities - working on these for each class. They'll be short and sweet.
I don't bother with ability scores. I assume that fighters are strong, sages are intelligent, and rogues are dexterous. This simplifies the stats and allows me to keep a party's stats on one index card.

Combat essentially follows the MicroBattle rules. The player needs to roll a 4 or better for a character to succeed in an action. Advantages add 1 or 2 to the roll while disadvantages subtract 1 or 2.

I determine which side has advantage in the combat by comparing levels. The PCs have an advantage if they are higher level or have a disadvantage if they are lower.

Combat is "player-facing," which means that the PCs always roll. The monsters never do. When the monsters attack, the PCs roll defense.

In order to reduce hit point tracking, I made a modification to damage. When a hit occurs, roll a D6, with the following results.
  • 4-6 - take 1 hit point of damage
  • 1-3 - the character is stunned
I'm still working out what a stun does. In my test game, stunned characters had to spend a turn recovering, essentially losing an attack. To speed things up, I may just give stunned characters a disadvantage.

And the Rest
I still need to work out the rest of the rules. But I feel I have a decent start.

Stay tuned for more!


  1. As long as you’re making progress and the game hangs together coherently then that’s a positive. Good luck.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Thanks for suggesting Whitebox and Fantasy Trip. I'll take a look and see what ideas I can glean.
