Where do I think my gaming is going in the new year? Let's look into the crystal ball and find out.

- Counters - By year-end I'll probably go all-in on counters. I occasionally think about reverting back to 2mm, but then the thought of painting puts me off.
- The Purge - Whether I stick with counters or switch to 2mm, I'm going to have superfluous 3mm and 10mm figures lying around. While I did not purge last year, the odds are greater of it happening this year.
- Finalize Rules - I've written the core for a bunch of rules sets, but they are all incomplete. I'd like to finish them. Here is what I have in the pipeline:
- MicroBattle - large-scale battles with small armies in the eras of massed units. Each unit represents approximately a division-sized force. Armies usually run 4 to 6 units.
- MicroQuest - fantasy RPG-style skirmishes. The player runs 2 to 4 heroes vs. several enemies.
- MicroSkies - fast play dogfights with 2 to 3 heroes vs. a similar number of enemies.
- The Sci Fi Boxed Set - inspired by Five Parsecs from Home, I've begun work on a boxed set for sci fi adventures. I plan for this to be my first project for 2023. The boxed set will have some battle boards, ship and character counters, terrain, and other accoutrements for gaming. So expect some sci fi adventures in the new year.
Good luck with your plans Kevin.
ReplyDeleteI especially look forward to seeing your progress with the MicroBattle rules and your sci-fi project.
I’m pretty certain I couldn’t be an “only counters” guy, as I have too much invested in my little metal armies and I really, really like the look of miniatures. However, I can see the appeal - think of a project now & print the counters 5 minutes later. Instant progress with no need to search for suitable figures, order them, wait for them to arrive and finally base, paint and varnish them.
Finally, I wonder if you’re getting notifications of comments. I’ve commented a fair bit recently, but nothing has appeared on the blog…
I began my gaming career with board games and it seems I've gone into homemade board games. Although I still think about doing some 2mm armies.
DeleteAlso, sorry about the comments. I stopped getting notifications for some reason.