Saturday, December 31, 2022

2022 in Review

Another year, another review. Let's take a look back at my gaming for the year.
2022's Trends
I began the year on a tear, with lots of projects.
Rescue attempt on Helos

In February, I got distracted by a new project - 1683 Battle of Vienna. After picking up The Silver Bayonet, this project morphed into a horror campaign set in 1666, with squad level games using my 3mm figures.

Fahnrich Hans Neimand leads a party against a troll

I then went on a baseball kick. I started a league of 1920s teams, but never completed the season.

Then I eschewed miniatures and started working up counters for generic armies,

ancient navies,

and even chariots.

Then I discovered Battles of Medieval Britain. I created counters for the game and played quite a few scenarios.

Disaster at Lewes, from BMB

Inspired by the 3 x 3 Portable Wargame phenomena, I experimented with a fast play version of MicroBattle. Here I use this version to play out part of the 1683 Battle of Vienna.

Then I went on an airplane kick. I developed rules for bombing runs, akin to B-17 Queen of the Skies. Then I created fast play dogfight rules inspired by THW's Aces Up and others.

Quick play dogfight - intercept the bombers

I finished the year by developing a new version of MicroQuest, my rules for fantasy adventures.

2022 Prognostication Review
Let's look back at my predictions for 2022 and see how I did.
  • Return to 3mm - I expected to abandon my 10mm skirmish projects and focus on 3mm. Well, I did abandon 10mm, but I also abandoned 3mm. Instead, I've been playing around with counters. So I got this wrong.
  • Genre-specific miniatures - I planned to abandon my generic armies and create armies specific to the genre or period. My first project was for Byzantine-Persian wars. This never got off the ground. Again, wrong.
  • The Purge - I considered getting rid of my unused 10mm miniatures, but I never got around to it. Also wrong.
So I went 0 for 3 this year. Ah, the joys of GADD (Gaming Attention Deficit Disorder)


  1. Yes, but at least you did “something” and that’s better than just dithering indecisively. Sometimes you need to rule out what you don’t want to narrow down the options.
    I have started numerous projects this last 12 months, but very few completed entirely. It is, however, some progress and I’m hoping that when I finally retire I can ramp up the progress and “get in more gaming”.
    All the best for ‘23.

    1. I've learned to just go with the flow. But I find it amusing how often my "plans" go awry

  2. 0 for 3 in predictions but it looks like you had a fair number of enjoyable games! I've only recently found your blog so I have a lot of catching up to do. Your Age of Heroes posts inspired me to use them for my holiday-themed game. Happy New Year!

    1. Glad you found my blog. Hope you find it enjoyable

  3. Hello Kevin,

    It may have been 0 for 3 but you seem to have had lots of fun and interesting times due to the distractions :-)
