Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Imperial Counters

I already gamed a battle in my fantasy setting using my old, generic counters. However, I decided to make counters specific to my factions. I began doodling around,

Here is a set for the Aurelian Empire.

Top - auxiliaries (medium infantry) in leather armor
Middle - legionaries (heavy infantry) in steel armor + a bolt thrower (artillery)
Bottom - scouts (light infantry) + flame throwers (artillery)

The flame throwers are inspired by Greek fire.

I also created a commander counter with a flag and trumpeter. They all wear fancy gold armor.

And some more troops.
  • Left - a cleric radiating holy light protected by 2 templar guards in gold armor.
  • Middle and right - 2 allied warbands. Since this campaign is set in not-Egypt, I made the allies desert nomads.

This gives me all the possible troops types for an Aurelian army. Next up are the hyenids.

So far, I am very happy with the results. I know that they are crude, but they will do the job. I am pleased so far.


  1. The Greek Fire artillery is a good idea Kevin 😉 I rather get the impression the range of the siphons was fairly limited but, when it hit the target, it really did cause serious damage. It might be worthwhile in that case to give the Greek Fire siphons a reduced range compared to, say, the both-throwers, but to increased the amount of damage it inflicts.
    Your counters look fine to me. Will you be making the “background” colour* the same for both armies (as they’ll be physically fighting on the same battlefield terrain) or slightly different (but each “common” to that particular army, to help identification)?

    1. I initially planned on treating the Greek fire like regular artillery but now I'm leaning toward your way of thinking - short range but devastating. Stay tuned for the bad guy counters tomorrow!
