Wednesday, September 6, 2023

Delving into Dungeon Crawls

As I mentioned, I planned on playing a solo D&D adventure last week, but I lost my rules. I have since found them, but I have some ideas for improvements. This has led me onto a path of re-evaluating my design. 

As part of my re-evaluation process, I decided to jot down some of my design goals.

In general, this is a major goal for my designs. I prefer games where I don't have to refer frequently to the rules or to charts. I also want to minimize math. I don't want to add a bunch of modifiers to determine results, especially since I tend to roll for all characters simultaneously.

D6, or maybe D12
I have a bunch of D6's lying around. I want to use them. I also have some D12's and sometimes consider using them instead. Something to consider.

Party on a Postcard
Actually, an index card, but you get the idea. Currently, I have each character on an index card, but I am not keen on shuffling among them. I'd like to minimize the stats for each character so that I can fit the entire party on one side of an index card. This may be a tall order, in which case I'll go up to a 4 x 6 inch card.

Although I have complained about the Dragon of Icespire Keep module, I like the idea of using published D&D modules. Therefore, I'd like to be able to convert easily from D&D to my system. Details to be determined.

Where do I go from here?
  • I think the core MicroQuest system is solid. I'm looking to tweak this system so that it meets my design considerations.
  • I'm starting with character generation. I'd like to include all the core D&D classes. I'll need to look into ways to differentiate them without too much crunch.
  • Right now I'm reading various versions of D&D for ideas.
I'll continue to post on my progress until GADD steers me away from this project.


  1. As long as you have a plan… 😉

  2. I notice there’s mention on Facebook that Mike Lambo is playtesting a new gamebook. It appears to be a fantasy quest adventure, so you might want to keep an eye out for it.

    1. Interesting. I'll give it a try when it comes out.
