A Ser Killian Adventure
Spoiler Alert - The following adventure is based on the D&D adventure Dragon of Icespire Peak. You may not want to read this if you plan to play that adventure.
The Quest
After the adventure against the wererats, our heroes return triumphant to Phandalin.
There, Harbin Wester, the townmaster, has news. Adabra Gwynn of Umbrage Hill recently spotted the dragon. Wester is concerned that it may soon attack Phandalin. He wants to relocate to a more secure location. To that end, he asks the party to scout the dwarven ruins of Axeholm.
The Journey
Axeholm is about a day south of Phandalin. Their journey is easy. On the way, they meet a cleric named Martin. He joins the party.
Haven't we heard this before?!
Why yes. Back in February I began the Axeholm adventure. But now that I making changes to MicroQuest, I decided to experiment using my Icespire Peak characters. I figured I should start the adventure from scratch.
I'll elaborate some of the changes to the characters in an upcoming post. For now, let me mention a change in how I run the dungeon.
In February, I experimented with a map-less dungeon. Essentially, it took a certain number of encounters for the party to reach a major milestone, such as reaching a boss. Honestly, it felt a little flat.
This time, I decided to use a simplified version of the dungeon map. As you can see in the picture, I divided the lower level into 5 distinct wings. I decreed that each wing will have up to 2 encounters.
You can also see my character sheet in the picture. I managed to streamline it so I could fit the entire party on one index card!
The Lower Level
Here is the true story of Ser Killian's adventure in Axeholm.![]() |
Axeholm's lower level |
The great gates at the main entrance are locked but somehow Gruff manages to unlock the doors. Hmmm. May need to watch out for him.
The party runs into 4 ghouls.
The Hall
In the great hall, 2 stirges attack the party. One latches onto Gruff but Martin manages to kill it while Haiden knocks down the second.
The Throne Room
An arrow trap drives them back before they can reach the stairs to the upper level. Gruff is now badly wounded but Martin partially heals him.
The Barracks
The party finds the stairs up, but a ghoul guards the path. Our heroes get the drop on it and attack. Haiden manages to slice off one arm while Killian opens up its abdomen. Stinking black blood and guts spill out.
Two critical hits in one turn. The thing is almost dead!
But the ghoul still has some fight in it. It lunges forward and grabs Gruff by the neck. It pulls him towards it, then it rips out Gruff's throat with its teeth!
Oh no, another critical!
The ghoul lord drops Gruff's carcass and turns on Killian. Martin rushes to Gruff's side and tries to heal him, But Gruff's lifeblood continues to spill from his body.
Killian finishes off the ghoul, then tries to help Gruff. He lays on hands, but he fails.
Gruff is dead.
Both Martin and Killian rolled 1's when trying to heal Gruff. I took that as a sign that it was not meant to be.
What next for our heroes? Find out tomorrow!
Clearly the adventurers efforts to aid Gruff were insufficient/ineffective. Then again, if his throat had been “ripped out” it’s not as if it was a minor, trivial injury.
The divine can work miracles, but not in this case. :(