Saturday, May 6, 2023

The End

Napoleon in Italy Campaign
Battle # 5

After staving off Napoleon's attack, General Alvincy and the remnants of his Austrian army take shelter in the town of Spumoni. Archduke Charles hurries west with a relief force. Napoleon readies himself to smash Austrian resistance in Italy.

Set Up
Alvincy holes up in Spumoni, just west of the Casino River.

Napoleon sends a division of light infantry to hold the bridge across the river. He gather the rest of his army, 3 infantry divisions, a cavalry division, and a grand battery, for an assault on Spumoni.

Archduke Charles arrives on the east bank of the Casino. He sends 2 divisions of cavalry out to search for a rumored ford across the river. He hurries up with 2 divisions - line infantry and Grenzers. Another 2 divisions follow.

The Battle
Austrian infantry pushes across the river. A division of cavalry (right) finds the ford and charges across.

A cavalry action ensues (top right). Meanwhile, the French overrun Spumoni and destroy a division from the relief force.

The French wipe out the Austrian cavalry. Charles leads another Austrian division across the bridge.

A second Austrian cavalry division crosses the ford and engages the French cavalry (top right). This time the Austrians prevail.

Charles gets thrown back across the river as the Austrian cavalry charges into the fray.

But Napoleon's soldiers hold firm, sending the cavalry packing.

As dusk approaches, Charles's army is spent. He has no choice but the retire.

Alvincy is now a prisoner. Furthermore, word reaches Charles that Turin has fallen. The Kingdom of Sardinia surrenders to the French.

With the Austrian raison d'etre gone, Charles sues for peace. Napoleon is victorious in his Italian campaign!

Game Notes
Well, my naval craze did not last long. Actually, it is still simmering beneath the surface. However, it stimulated another mission, which led to this game.

You see, I was looking for my latest naval rules. My rules are scattered about here and there, both electronically, printed, and in handwritten notes. Seeing how disorganized my rules are, I decided to try and sort them all out. I am working on a compendium of all my rules. I plan to have a PDF version that I will store on my laptop and a print version.

Anyway, while sorting through my rules, I noticed that I did not have my latest big battle rules in electronic form. I decided to write them down, and then try them out. The result is this battle!

Now I plan to move on to other eras so stay tuned!


  1. D*mn the Frenchies. I was hoping for an Austrian victory ☹️
    Will you be publishing your rules on the blog? I hope so - it’s always good to read others rules (either to use ‘em, or maybe just “borrow” some mechanisms).
    Inspired by your games of Solitary Hero I picked up some painted 28mm Goblins - Irregular Miniatures castings, painted in a rather toy soldier/cartoon-y style. Now I need to find some opponents for them (Dwarves? Medieval/Dark Ages humans?). Perhaps I should have thought about this before buying the Goblins…
    What other ears are you intending gaming next? Or is the plan merely to wait and see how you feel at the time?

    1. I was hoping for the Austrians to prevail as well. I'll have to give them another crack. Maybe in Germany?
      I'll publish the rules once I get them typed up, but don't hold your breath. Sorry.
      Good luck with Solitary Hero. I would go for a paladin.
      What's next? Nothing planned. Whatever strikes my fancy next. Kind of thinking of returning to Vienna 1683 but nothing definite.

  2. Oops - I meant “eras”… 😞
