Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Armies and Stuff

Completed Armies
When I first started painting 2mm miniatures back in the day, my goal was to have a variety of different colors that could stand in various armies. I never achieved that goal.

Now with counters and smaller armies for quick play MicroBattle, I have accomplished that long-sought goal.

Here I have 6 more-or-less completed armies - red, navy blue, blue, white, brown, and green. I have 2 more printed - gray and purple. And I created one more, light blue, but haven't printed it yet.

These armies allow me to portray a vast array of foes. Just taking Napoleonics, for example, I can field British, Prussians, French, Austrians, or Russians.

The One Game of Christmas
I managed to play one game with my brothers over the holidays. We played Castle Panic. It was the first time for my brothers.

Things did not start well. We lost four walls to the first wave of attackers. Then towers started to fall. But we managed to rebound.

Here is the end of the game. We just survived.


  1. Nice counters. Have you considered double-sided printing? So one side is the full strength unit whereas the flip side represents a disrupted or damaged/wounded unit.
    At least you managed to get a game in.

  2. I have toyed with double sided counters. It's a bit more work and separate markers work fine for me so I haven't bothered yet
