Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Five Minute Fights

I completed the next chapter of my 5K campaign; stay tuned for an AAR.

In addition, I've been toying around with the Five Minute Fights idea since the weekend. I decided to try a quick experiment.

Set Up
I decided to try it on a smaller board, appropriately enough a 5 x 5. I used my 4 heroes (red) and randomly rolled 6 enemies.

I used my Micro Battle table to determine the terrain.

I don't have any specific scenario goals other than kill the enemy.

The Play Test
I'm using a version of my Quick Play Micro Battle rules. In these, a hit means you are wounded or dead. There is no "no effect" result. This greatly speeds up play, albeit making for a bloody experience.

I cut down ranges from the 5K rules. The 5K military rifle shoots 4 spaces in this version.

In this case, all figures have equal stats. I assume them to be average fighters. I'll need to decide how to apply bonuses.

Anyway, after 6 minutes and 51 seconds, here is the result. The enemy is pressing the 2 remaining heroes. But the bad guys lose their nerve after reaching 50% casualties.


I think the rules will work. I just need to consider how to apply bonuses,

The big debate in my mind is basing and scale. Do I want individual fighters, as in this experiment, or do I want units? The units could be squads, companies, or what have you. I think units would better fit the ground scale, but I do like having individual characters.


  1. Does the basing overly matter? As you use counters then I would expect a big benefit to be the fact that each counter merely represents “whatever” you want it to. On the other hand, if you had used figures rather than counters, then that suggests the miniatures would broadly represent that number of troops/vehicles. Having said that I still imagine my 2mm sci-fi units represent anything from a platoon to a company. There’s no requirement to be entirely rational 😉😂
    Individuals or units? You could just consider your counters to represent - your (named?) hero, plus a small number of picked troops/warriors (bodyguard, if appropriate) and a maybe a fair few “hangers on”, assorted followers, lackeys etc. So there would be a core of reasonably well skilled fighters to support the Hero, plus a greater number of lesser warriors.
    Good luck with whatever you choose.

  2. If I go with each base = a unit, whether squad, company, or more, then I'd likely use rectangular counters. If each base = an individual then I'll go with small circles, like those in this test game.
    Decisions, decisions.
