Tuesday, May 21, 2024


Recently, I saw a post on Lead Adventure Forum about a game called Nightwatch, a solo or cooperative game of monster hunting. The premise intrigued me so I investigated it. 

That's when I discovered I already purchased an earlier version.

Perusing it, I realized why I initially did nothing with it. The system uses the gamut of polyhedral dice, a mechanic I intensely dislike.

This time, however, I've been reading it all the way through to see if I can glean some good ideas. I really like a few aspects of it.
  • The setting is cool - your team of 2-4 hunters + retinue is part of a secret organization dedicated to hunting down monsters.
  • As mentioned, it is designed for solo or coop play.
  • The campaign system looks simple yet enticing. Each campaign lasts for 7 to 10 games. Throughout the campaign, you fight increasingly difficult foes until you reach the final scenario. There, you meet the big bad boss for an epic final confrontation.
  • Your characters level up during the campaign. The leveling mechanism is simple - move up a level every 2 or 3 games.
Anyway, I may give the campaign system a try.

1 comment:

  1. That sounds interesting - let’s see how you get on…
