Wednesday, June 19, 2024

A Viking in the Sun

As usual, my GADD-addled mind has been wandering again.

What Now?
I recently picked up this Lion Rampant supplement, A Viking in the Sun.

It covers the campaigns on Harald Hardrada during his employment with the Byzantines. Being a fan of Byzantines, I've had my eye on this and finally decided to splurge on it.

As usual, this latest foray came quite by accident. I've been crazy busy lately so I took a day off to recuperate. My thoughts turned to playing a game, but I couldn't decide on a period for the game. I've got a bunch of campaigns in progress yet I struggled to muster the enthusiasm for any.

I started perusing some gaming books for inspiration. While reviewing Lion Rampant I came across a reference to A Viking in the Sun. I got hooked.

What's Next?
I started to peruse VitS. It has 3 mini-campaigns that should be perfect for me! You may see them soon.

But first, I decided to complete a campaign before I embark on a new one. Hence, you will see the finale to my Napoleonic Knockout coming soon!

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