Saturday, June 15, 2024

Counter Update

Some updates on the counter front.

Counters Ready
I made some tweaks to my modern counters, adding light armor (2nd from left), a dropship (5th), and a rocket launcher (last).

I then duplicated the army in two other colors - brown and gray. I debated making blue and red armies but decided to go with muted colors.

I also added some horse & musket artillery and formed infantry to the file. These are to fill in some gaps in my generic pre-modern armies.

The artillery

I now have a sheet of counters ready for printing.

Printer Purchase
While in Walmart recently, I picked up an inexpensive printer. Once I get it connected, I'll be able to print the counters without sending them out to a printer. This should expedite my counter creations.

Litko Order
To complete the counters, I ordered a bunch of plastic bases from Litko. I'm getting a bunch of 1/2" squares for the modern armies and some 1" x 1/2" rectangles for the pre-modern artillery and infantry.

I also ordered some small red rectangles to use as casualty markers. These will replace the pipe cleaners I currently use.

Next Steps
Once I get the Litko order and set up the printer, I can put together my next batch of counters. Stay tuned for more updates!

1 comment:

  1. Nice. Now that I’m retired I think I ought to get a printer too (provided the “price is right”). I dare say a laminator would also be useful… 😉
