Saturday, June 22, 2024

The Battle for Europe

The Napoleonic Knockout Finale

After extensive campaigning, it has come to this - the Emperor Napoleon vs. the Sultan for dominance of Europe.

Set Up
The Turks are on the attack. They advance into Bavaria. Napoleon meets them near a sleepy village.

Orders of Battle:
  • French - 2 infantry corps, 1 Guards corps, 1 light infantry corps, 1 artillery grand battery
  • Turks - 2 units of infantry, 1 unit of levy, 2 units of cavalry

The French are in blue (top). The Guards and levy units are not marked in the first photo but will have yellow and green markers respectively in later photos.

The Battle
The Turks are slow in coming to grips, so Napoleon sends his infantry forward. One corps, supported by the lights, drives back a cavalry unit.

The French infantry then attack the Turks on the hill. They disperse the artillery but one corps gets drive off and then annihilated by Turkish horse.

Napoleon sends in the Guard.

Who retreat!

Back into it, the Guard routs some cavalry.

Only to get wiped out themselves.

The Turks then swarm the last remaining French infantry corps.

It also routs! Napoleon must call for a retreat. But the Turkish cavalry capture him.

Thus ends this Napoleonic knockout campaign. The Turks now rule Europe!

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