Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Random Thoughts

Just some random gaming thoughts.

MOAR Tanks!
After playing my Memorial Day battle, I've been in the mood for some tank battles. Rather than play more Tank on Tank, I decided to put together some generic modern counters that could work for sci fi as well.

Here's what I've come up with so far - tank, artillery, missile launcher, infantry, and infantry in powered battlesuits.

I want to add some light armor and a helicopter or dropship.

I plan to mount these on half inch counters (which I need to order). Then I can use them individually for skirmishes or combine 2 into a unit for larger battles.

Unfinished Campaigns
I recently started a new campaign (stay tuned for the first battle report). I probably shouldn't do that given that I have a bunch of unfinished campaigns already. Off the top of my head, they include:
  • Five Klicks from the Zone
  • Napoleonic Knockout
  • Icespire Peak D&D
  • 1666 horror
  • Fantasy Romans
  • Revolutionary War Florida campaign (hope to finish it this July 4th)
And there are probably many more!

One day I should catalog all my ongoing campaigns, and finish them!


  1. I agree with MJT’s comment - the counters are nice (simple, but clearly depict what they are supposed to represent). FWIW, as you are probably aware, Mike Lambo has a fair few “solitaire gamebooks”, a fair number of which feature WW2 tank/infantry battles. Most of these have files - on Boardgamegeek - of the necessary counters.
