Saturday, January 22, 2022

Ser Killian's Tale Begins

Let me tell you the tale of Ser Killian, the stalwat paladin, and his companions: his squire Haiden, his confessor Brother Winston, and his retainer Gruff the Archer.

Killian is the fifth son of a minor noble. Being unable to inherit, his father has pledged Killian to serve the Church as a paladin. To enter the order, Killian must first perform a deed of chivalry. Thus, he sets out as a knight errant to the wilds of the Sword Coast, there to make a name for himself. 

Game Notes
As mentioned previously, I am starting a new campaign using the Dragon of Icespire Peak adventure in the D&D Essentials Kit.

Instead of D&D, however, I am using my latest system, which I am tentatively calling D12 Dungeon.

I am keeping a record of Killian's adventures in a journal my wife gave me. It's a Narnia journal, but close enough I guess.

In brief, here are descriptions of the heroes:
  • Ser Killian is a paladin. He is very strong, intelligent, and charismatic. He rides a warhorse, wears chain, and is armed with shield, lance, and sword.
  • Squire Haiden is a fighter. He is strong and intelligent, but a bit clumsy. He wears padded armor and wields a shield and spear.
  • Brother Winston is a priest. He is agile and very wise, but a bit sickly. He wears no armor but faith in Daeus, and wields a rod and staff.
  • Gruff serves as an archer, but he is rogue by training. He is strong and very agile, but is a tad offensive. He has no armor and carries a bow and a sword.
Finally, I am using a different pantheon. There are three "gods:" 
  • Daeus, the creator
  • Alterra, mother of nature, and 
  • Erlik, lord of death. 
Daeuans do not acknowledge the others as gods. Instead, they consider them powerful spirits of nature and evil respectively. Furthermore, both were created by Daeus.

The Story
[Scroll down for the TL;DR version]

Killian's story begins in the town of Leilon. There, he learns that a dragon has been spotted near the village of Phandalin.

"This sounds like a worthy quest for a knight errant. Come, lads, let's show this dragon what's what!"

The others look at each other nervously, but swallow their words. They are sworn to follow Killian, and so into the dragon's maw they must go.

The Trail to Phandalin
Killian decides to take a shorter, but more dangerous trail to Phandalin.

Along the way, they come across a hunter who has just bagged a deer.

"Stay away!" the hunter commands. "This is my catch!"

"Never fear, my good man!" Killian responds. "I am a knight in the service of Daeus, and these are my retainers. We are pledged to serve and protect our Lord's people. We mean you no harm."

Killian reaches into his purse, pulls out a gold coin, and tosses it to the hunter.

"In fact, here is a gift. Buy yourself a nice ale to complement your catch."

"Master, no! We will need that." his squire protests.

"Nonsense, squire. We can rough it a bit in order to bless others. And Daeus will bless us for our generosity."

"Amen," approves Brother Winston. Gruff just grimaces.

Heartened by Killian's manner, the hunter offers to guide the party to Phandalin.

In Phandalin
First thing, Killian looks for a church so he can give thanks for making it safely to the village. However, there is no church; just an untended shrine. Brother Winston tsks at the oversight.

"Never fear, good cleric. I vow that we shall rectify that situation! Why, I spy on yonder hill the ruins of a majestic structure. It would make a good church."

"But master," interrupted Haiden. "We have no money to build a house, much less a church! "How ...?"

"Never mind the hows, my good squire. Daeus shall provide the means."

Next, they visit the inn, and learn that orcs have been raiding in the area.

Afterwards, they pay a call to the townmaster. However, he is petrified of the dragon, and refuses to open the door.

Killian responds. "How am I to hunt down this beast, if you do not speak with me and provide me information for my quest?"

"Be off, you fool." the townmaster answers. "The dragon will eat you up and spit you out."

"But I must complete my quest."

"If you want a quest, try one of those on the quest board. Now be off!"

They check the quest board. There are 3 notices. All involve delivering warnings to nearby settlers.

"What? That pompous fool wants me to be a delivery boy!? Why, I never!"

"But master," Haiden interrupts. "Look at this one. We must rescue a damsel in distress!"

Killian looks at the notice. The quester must deliver a warning to Adabra, a midwife who lives a few miles from the village. Close enough.

"By Daeus, you're right! Now why didn't they make that plainer?"

And so they take on the quest.

Battle of Umbrage Hill
Adabra lives in a windmill on Umbrage Hill, which lies a few miles southeast of Phandalin.

The ground is hilly, but they make good time without incident. However, as they approach Adabra's residence, they hear roaring and cries for help.

They rush forward. Cresting a hill, they see a manticore attacking the windmill. Adabra is inside, calling for help.

Game note - really, a manticore? An 8 HD monster for a first level quest? I mean, I know that negotiation is an option, but would a paladin really do that?
Additional note - I looked back at the quests. I kind of did them out of order. I should have been 3rd level in D&D terms before tackling this one. Still kind of silly because this quest was closest to Phandalin!

Killian does not stop to think. "Charge!" he commands, and spurs his horse forward.

Haiden and Gruff follow, but Winston is frozen in fear.

The manticore is intent on its prey, and does not see the heroes attack. Killian's charge strikes home, his lance piercing the beast's hide. Simultaneously, Gruff launches an arrow that strikes deep in the manticore's neck.
Game note: both hits do 2 points of damage. The manticore is already halfway to death! Yeah, I nerfed the hit points a lot. But then, a hit only does 0-2 points of damage.

The manticore lashes out, wounding Killian's horse. The heroes attack again, but miss.

The manticore clamps it jaws into the horse's neck, killing it. Killian jumps clear, draws his sword, and attacks. The manticore knocks aside the blow. This gives Gruff a chance; he aims and fires a shot that pierces the manticore's eye. It is severely wounded, but not dead.

Bleeding profusely and beset by battle-crazed warriors, the manticore decides to escape. It grabs the horse carcass and flies off.

"Come back here, you coward!" Killian shouts after him, to no avail.

Adabra thanks the party for their help. She refuses to leave her home, even after hearing the warning. But she does pen a letter to the townmaster confirming that she received the warning. She also provides a healing elixir to Killian as a reward.

As the party leaves, Gruff surreptitiously flashes the moon sign with his fingers. Adabra shows surprise and alarm at this symbol of Alterra.

Gruff whispers, "yer secret is safe with me. Just be careful around these goodniks," as he points to Killian and Winston.

The heroes return to Phandalin and receive payment from the townmaster. Killian pledges his share to building a church for the village.

TL;DR Version
  • In Leilon, Killian learns of a dragon spotted near Phandalin
  • On the road, the party befriends a hunter, who guides them to Phandalin
  • In Phandalin,
    • Killian remarks on the lack of a church. He vows to build one.
    • they learn of orc raids while visiting the tavern
    • the townmaster rebuffs them as fools
    • they find the quest board, and resolve to "rescue" Adabra, a midwife who lives a few miles from the village, from the dragon.
  • At Umbrage Hill, they see Adabra's residence being attacked by a manticore.
    • Killian charges into battle, with Haiden and Gruff in support. Winston loses his nerve and freezes in place.
    • The party surprises the manticore. Killian and Gruff wound it.
    • The manticore kills Killian's horse.
    • They battle on. The manticore takes more wounds.
    • Now severely wounded, the manticore decides to flee. It grabs the corpse of Killian's horse and flies off.
    • Adabra refuses to leave her home, but she rewards the party for their help.
  • The party returns to Phandalin, and receive payment for their success. Killian donates his share to the church building fund.

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