Saturday, January 8, 2022

Whew, what a week!

From the looks of things, you might think I did a lot of gaming this week. That's not exactly true. I was on vacation the prior two weeks and built up a backlog of posts. It just so happens that I spaced them out so that they covered the entire week. Just don't expect me to maintain that pace.

I have been doing some game-related stuff this week.

First up, I did some painting:

  • At the bottom, is a complete 3mm army for my mini mini project (games on a 5" x 7" board). It features a leader, 3 cavalry, 4 infantry, and 2 skirmisher units. I plan to add a couple of artillery pieces, so this can be a generic shock or horse & musket army.
  • Next are 3mm figures for my Operation Last Train project. Flanked by 2 dropships, I have infantry (blue), civilians (red), and xenos (dark green).
  • Ignore the 4 chariots at the top left. They've been sitting on my desk for months and I did nothing with them this week.
I also spent some time plotting out my Byzantine project. Now that I received the Ospreys on the Byzantines and Sassanids, I'm getting a better handle on the armies.

Here's my plan for each army:
  • Byzantines - 4 units of heavy cavalry, and 2 units each of heavy infantry, archers, and light cavalry.
  • Sassanids - 3 units each of heavy cavalry (cataphracts), levies, and archers, 2 units of light cavalry, and a unit of elephants
 Because Magister Militum's packs are so big, I'm thinking I can do double duty on some packs:
  • Order one pack of Parthian cataphracts to stand in as Sassanids and Romans. I don't think any differences are noticeable at 3mm.
  • Likewise, use Parthian horse archers as light cavalry for both sides.
  • Finally, split a pack of skirmishing archers between the two sides.
I figure my order will cost a bit over $60. I may postpone my order until after my birthday next month. Besides, I should probably wait until I finish my current projects before tackling the Byzantines.

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