Sunday, February 13, 2022

Skirmish at Dimpelhof

Time for a bonus battle report!
I managed to play a couple of miniature games recently and wanted to share both.

Pikeman's Lament Campaign
I previously mentioned that I liked the campaign system in PL. I decided to give it a whirl using MicroBattle rules.

The year is 1683,
The location is the countryside around Vienna.
The Ottoman Turks have invested the city, which holds out heroically.
Meanwhile, Imperial forces outside the city are harrying and raiding the Turks.

Our hero, Fahnrich Hans Niemand commands one of these forces.
Fortunately, as the son of a priest, he is blessed. In PL terms, he is immune to lucky blows. I'll see how that plays out with my rules.

The Mission
HQ has received word that a Turkish force is raiding for supplies in the area. His commander sends Niemand out to drive off the raiders.

Game Set-Up
I lack figures in white coats, so I am using red to represent the Austrians. The Turks are in blue.

I am using my 5 x 7 battle board.

The opposing forces:
  • Niemand - 2 platoons of infantry, one of dragoons (represented by skirmishers), and a regimental gun
  • Raiders - 2 bands of Tatar horsemen (4 figures per stand), 1 Azab infantry, and 1 troop of Sipahis
The Skirmish
Niemand's infantry spots the Turks marching on the village of Dimpelhof.

The Tatars reach the village and set it alight.  The dragoons move forward and mow the Tatars down.
Another unit of horse charges Niemand's gun. It gets overwhelmed.

The remaining Turks choose to fight on. Niemand moves to the infantry on the left so he can encourage them against the Sipahis. The infantry's musketry keeps the Turks at bay.

Niemand draws the infantry back, giving the gun an open shot on the Sipahis. The gun goes into action, and the Sipahis flee.

The Azabs quickly follow!

Niemand rushes to aid the village. Fortunately, Niemand's arrival prevented wholesale slaughter, and most of the villagers escaped harm. Niemand's troops lend a hand dousing the flames. Some houses are destroyed, but the village is saved.

Niemand returns to HQ to honor and acclaim!

Game Notes
Well that was quick. The Austrians managed to rout the Tatars in one turn, leaving the Turks outnumbered. It seemed pretty much over at that point.

This victory gives Niemand 5 honor. His career is off the a good start.

I did not use any of the additional objectives found in PL. I may do so next skirmish.

1 comment:

  1. A fine start to Niemand’s military career - let’s hope he continues to lead his men to victory.
