Saturday, February 5, 2022

The Corrupt Forest

A Tweedle & Dunh Adventure
I'm planning on alternating between miniature games and roleplaying. Last week was a minis game so this week I bring you another installment of the Tales of Tweedle & Dunh.

After their adventure in the forest, Tweedle and Dunh report their experiences to their master Groombal. He seems very concerned.

He sends them back, but they are attacked by vine blights. Dunh kills one but Tweedle is seriously wounded. They retreat and return home.

A couple of weeks later Groombal tells them, "Prepare to return to the forest. You leave tomorrow."

The next morning, there is a knock on the door. A young warrior, armed with a mace and shield, stands there.

"Good, good!" Groombal says. He introduces the warrior as Jonuz.

"A little extra muscle never hurt. I need you to venture back into the forest and find out what is causing the corruption you found."

So our trio sets off.

The Adventure
The TL;DR version is in bold italics

They make it back to the hag's hut without incident, then venture deeper into the woods.

The party's path through the forest.

They battle a giant spider
They come to the site of their battle with the blights (1) but now pass without incident.

Turning right, they come to a clearing. As Dunh steps in, he puts his hand out to push back a branch. He feels something sticky. He pulls back.

"Wait." he whispers, then shows his comrades his hand. A sticky web hangs from it.


The look into the clearing (2) and see a giant arachnid. 

It spots them, and leaps at Jonuz. He dodges. The party all strike, and slay the creature.

The spider's lair is a dead end, so they reverse course. They come across a pool (3) with green, sludgy water. Dead animals lay scattered about.

They discover a dead pool
Tweedle investigates, then announces, "It appears that these animals were poisoned by this befouled water.. There is great corruption in these woods."

They begin to follow a stream that feeds the pool.

They run afoul of some traps
They continue on their way, following the polluted stream. At one point (4), they fall into a pit trap. They managed to pull themselves out, but escape with some bumps and bruises.

Later (5), a swinging log trap strikes Dunh. As he dusts himself off, he comments, "I get the feeling that someone doesn't want us here."

"Indeed," Tweedle agrees. "Let's step more carefully from now on."

They battle some cursed elves
Eventually, our heroes come to a clearing (6), where they spy 4 elves. However, there is something off with these elves. Their skin is a dull gray and their eyes are filled with an angry red glow.

Tweedle steps forward, "Good day, good people..."

He gets no further, for three of the elves draw their swords and rush at them. The fourth scampers away down a path that exits the clearing.

Tweedle is caught off guard and cannot get a spell off. However, Dunh reacts quickly. He steps forward, parries a blow, and buries his axe into the elf's chest. The elf collapses.

Jonuz manages to hit his opponent, but gets wounded in return. The combatants begin to circle, looking for an opening.

Seeing that Jonuz is holding his own, Dunh goes to Tweedle's aid. He stabs the elf. Tweedle follows up with a successful strike, but his staff skitters off the elf's armor. The elf turns and slashes Dunh. Dunh ignores the pain and counters, striking down the elf. He turns and sees that Jonuz has also dispatched his opponent.

Panting, Dunh asks, "Why did they attack us?"

"There is something strange about these elves," Tweedle agrees.

Ambush gone awry
Dunh then asks, "What should we do about the one that got away? Should we pursue him?"

"No," Tweedle commands. "I have a better idea."

They bind their wounds, then hide in the bushes surrounding the clearing. Tweedle then casts an illusion of the party sitting in the middle of the clearing.

"I bet that the elf went for help. When they return, we'll surprise them!"

They wait and wait, but no one shows.

"This is ridiculous," Dunh states. "They're not coming. I'm going for them."

He then steps out of the bushes and begins marching down the path. Frustrated, Tweedle just shakes his head and follows, with Jonuz in tow.

They suffer the drider's sting
As Dunh strides down the path, Tweedle then Jonuz race past him. Then another figure brushes by; it's Dunh!

Dunh stops, puzzled. He looks back and sees his comrades.

"Yes," Tweedle expounds, "let the fake us take the lead."

And it proves to be a good plan. As they approach a clearing, the escaped elf jumps out and hacks at the illusory Dunh.

Simultaneously, a hideous figure leaps upon the fake Tweedle. It is half spider and half human!

Dunh rushes the creature and strikes. His axe bites deep into its torso. It lashes with its sword, cutting into Dunh's arm. He begins to feel woozy.


Meanwhile, Jonuz and Tweedle take down the elf, then turn on the drider.

Dunh and the creature exchange blows. Tweedle casts a protection spell on his pal.

Seeing Tweedle cast magic, the drider turns on him. It strikes, wounding and poisoning Tweedle.

Turning, the creature strike Dunh again. He is bleeding profusely and the poison slows him. The creature is also badly wounded, but Tweedle doesn't think they can take it down. Not in their weakened state.

"Dunh! Let's get out of here!"

Dunh nods his head and limps from the fight. Tweedle and Dunh cover him as they all retreat back down the path. The drider chooses not to pursue.

They retreat and return home
They make it back to the elves' clearing and take a moment to bind their wounds. But they are clearly too weak to continue. They head back. Fortunately, they do not have any encounters on their way home.

What happens to our heroic trio? Find out next time!

Some Game Notes
As I mentioned previously, I've come back to the idea of creating monster cards customized to my own RPG stats. I created some for this adventure.

I didn't actually use them. Instead, I had some unillustrated index cards. Nevertheless, I like the look and will continue to develop them. For example, I notice I don't have room to include special abilities. I also plan to add more monsters.

Ultimately, I'll get them printed at a local copy shop.

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