Thursday, May 2, 2024

Fallout Follies

It's been quiet on this blog. I just haven't had any gaming inspiration.

But that may be changing because of this.

I watched the first two episodes this week and now I'm in the mood for some post apocalyptic skirmishing. But, I have a couple of problems...

I've been looking for rules. Not that I'm going to use them as is. I will likely use a modified version of my Micro Battles for the actual game. I'm really looking for a campaign mechanism, otherwise games feel kind of stale after a while.

Right now, I'm focused on Five Klicks from the Zone.

I don't have any miniatures to play the game. I thought about getting some, but then I quickly realized that they would end up sitting unpainted on a shelf.

I could use Meeples. Even the smallest ones, however, seem a bit large for the small boards I use. I'd like something more in a 6mm scale.

Now I am pondering homemade, top-down counters. These will be easy to create, easy to store, and I can make them generic so they can do duty in other genres.

Stay tuned for more!

1 comment:

  1. Good luck with your efforts Kevin. I know you’re a fan of counters, but I imagine that counters could become a bit “samey” in a post-apoc world - as the apocalypse (presumably) would generate a lot of mutation, weird creatures etc. How do you intend to depict the wide variety of things?
    For me, much of the fun/enjoyment of gaming is in finding and selecting “suitable” miniatures. Of course, deciding what’s suitable is very much a personal thing.
    I look forward to reading how you get on.
