Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Scrag Skirmish

The Emberville Five Klicks Campaign - Turn 2

The settlement needs more resources so our heroes must set out into the wasteland to look for salvage.

  • Event - Personal Improvement - I roll randomly and Rosy gets an XP
  • Actions - Train - Ash, Rock, and Spike train and get an XP.
  • Trade - I skipped this step. I assumed that you only get Trade Points in the first turn. Turns out I was wrong, but I messed up trade in the first turn so it evens out.
  • Explore - out they go into the wasteland. I decide to leave Rosy at home.
The Expedition
This turn, our heroes venture out into the wastes and discover a couple of abandoned buildings. But as they approach, they see that a party of scrags, "poorly armed fools trying to make a name for themselves in the dust," are exploring the site as well.

Set Up
Rather than wait until I get proper counters or figures, I decided to use Meeples. They are way out of scale with the terrain. Oh well.

The party starts at the bottom of the board. The members are (from left to right) 
  • Jazz the scavenger (yellow)
  • Spike the soldier (green)
  • Rock the hunter (blue)
  • Ash the merchant (red)
I'm using stacks of wooden rectangles to represent buildings. The sticks represent fences.

The Skirmish
Seeing the building, Ash's greed gets the better of him. He rushes forward.

Rock joins him in the building. Ash tries to negotiate with the scrags, but they unleash a fusillade of shots. One bullet ricochets off Spike's armor.

Jazz and Spike return fire, taking out one of the scrags.

Ash takes out another while Jazz and Spike advance to the fence line.

A shot strikes Ash. He retires into a safe part of the building. Meanwhile, Spikes covers Jazz as she assaults the other building. She manages to take out the scrag there.

With so many dead scrags, will the lone survivor flee? No! He decides to seek revenge. He wounds Rock. But Jazz and Spike flank him and take him out.

All in all, a successful outing. Our heroes gain experience, loot a musket from the dead, and manage to bring back enough salvage to improve Emberville's resources.

Game Note
How did I come up with the events of the aftermath? Following 5K's post-battle sequence, I determine:
  1. Casualties - Ash and Rock will be able to recover from their wounds.
  2. Durability - no check needed this time
  3. Experience - Each character gains 1 XP. I give Jazz another XP as the MVP of the day. She managed to kill 2 of the 4 scrags. No one levels up yet.
  4. Improve Home - since the party held the field, I roll to improve the settlement. I succeed so I can raise a stat by 1 point. I choose Resources, assuming that the party finds some good salvage in the buildings.
  5. Loot - I roll a musket. Seems reasonable because that's what the scrags had.


  1. That was a positive result for your team. They “won” the encounter, gained some “stuff” and gave the baddies a bloody nose ⚔️
    Do you always have to accept an encounter? For example, if there had been, say, 6+ enemies at the abandoned buildings could you have elected to simply withdraw (hopefully unobserved)?
    Just a thought, but it might be worthwhile considering, if you are to run a further campaign, having characters with the same initial as a colour (so George could be a green meeple, Yael as yellow, Spike as scarlet etc - it might make identification easier. Of course, if you re-use character Ash you might need to find an “avocado” shaded meeple 😂🤣).

  2. I guess you can retreat off the board, effectively ending the scenario. But then no goodies.
