Saturday, December 17, 2022

Protecting Pearl - Part 2

It is the morning of December 7, 1941 at Pearl Harbor.
Our heroes, Crowe and Raven managed to get their P-40s airborne to take on attacking Zeroes.

Now they get an urgent message on the radio.

"Bombers incoming. Protect the naval yard!"

The Opposing Forces
This time, I wanted to play with actual physical pieces. Since I don't have planes for Pearl Harbor, I substituted using my imagi-nations planes.

  • Top row - 2 Japanese Val dive bombers (silver) escorted by a Zero (red)
  • Bottom row - Crowe (L) and Raven in their P-40s.
The Dogfight
Our heroes manage to dodge the Zero and get beads on the Vals. Their shots are errant, however.

They persist. Crowe takes damage from the Val's gunner but Raven shoots down the other bomber.

The Zero bears down on Crowe. Raven rakes the other Val.

And it goes down. The Zero has a bead on Crowe but he misses.

With the bombers destroyed, the Zero breaks off.

The naval yard is saved!

And another win for our heroes. But can they protect the battleships? Find out next time.

1 comment:

  1. Your guys sound like they might be earning medals…
