Monday, December 5, 2022

And Now for Something Completely Different

I've probably used this title before, but it is appropriate. I've been on an air combat kick for the past month, but now GADD has set in and I've been fiddling around with, well, something different.

The cause of my recent tangent is Two Hour Wargames, specifically this.

I previously mentioned that I went in for the Kickstarter of the Quick Play version of Warrior Heroes Adventures in Talomir (WHAT for short). The physical version is due in January, but in the interim THW sent our PDFs of the games.

So far, I'm upbeat about the purchase. The contents seem like they will be useful.

The PDF comes with 3 different 8.5 x 11 inch battle boards, like this one.

As well as a slew of counters. Here is just a sample.

I'm not so keen on the rules. But that's to be expected. I've often said that I don't care for the THW standard dice pool mechanic.

Nevertheless, there are some good ideas in the rules. I like the table for creating quick-play, no-map dungeons. I also like how WHAT QP distills dungeon encounters into 3 enemies - low lifes, minions, and the Big Bad.

The rules have inspired me to give a go at creating my own quick play dungeon table. I added a few additional features - traps, hazards, boons, and monsters - but the concept is the same. Complete a dungeon with maybe 4 to 6 random encounters.

Stay tuned for some play tests of my latest MicroQuest dungeon crawl rules. And don't worry, I haven't given up on dogfights.


  1. Kevin - At least you’re “getting some games in” and testing/fine-tuning your rules, so that’s a positive thing. And hopefully having some fun at the same time. I generally like to reflect whether the “end result” was likely and/or plausible in (whatever) circumstances. If you can justify it then that’s a good thing.

  2. I get a lot of inspiration from the THW rules as well. I got all the Kickstarter Quick Play recently and having as ball playing them. They are simple but interesting. Although I have only got around to doing two do far🙂

    1. I have my eye on some of the other Quick Plays, but I wanted to test the waters first. Glad you're enjoying them
