Wednesday, January 1, 2014

What's in Store for 2014

Happy New Year!

Initially, I had planned to use this post to make some gaming-related New Year’s Resolutions. I even had a draft written up. At church on Sunday, the sermon was about “performance-ism” and how we measure our self-worth by how we perform. I realized that I was doing that with my gaming, which should be a fun diversion. So I have tossed out my resolutions. Instead of pressuring myself to perform I am just going to go with the flow and enjoy my hobby this year.

Nevertheless, I have some ideas on where I’m going with my gaming in 2014 and I would like to share.

Elder Scrolls
I have been sucked back into video games due to the excellent Elder Scrolls series. I recently started a new character for Skyrim and am in the midst of saving Tamriel. I am eagerly awaiting Elder Scrolls Online, which is coming out in April. Don’t expect many miniature updates that month!

My intention when I began this blog was to play out battles in my mythical continent of Francesia. I ran a battle of the Grayrock Revolution before I got sidetracked. I’ve got the bug again for Francesia and am planning to complete the revolution.

Ultimately, I would like to collect complete armies for the major powers of the continent (Redgrave, Silverfern, Bluderia, Greenglade, Grayrock, and Drakendorf). That’s a lot of armies. My plan a year ago was to create the armies in 15mm using Malburian era figures but I’m now moving away from 15mm. I have 10mm Risk figures to use instead. I recently based a bunch and have already played a game (see my report on the Battle of Dardona). Nevertheless, I am sorely tempted to build the armies in 3mm.

I would also like to play some battles from Francesia’s medieval past (using Dux Brit as the campaign system). Again, I’d like to move away from the 15mm figures I picked up this year, but I haven’t decided on a scale. I’m considering either 6mm or 10mm.

Illustrate my RPG sessions
Currently, my RPG session reports are text only; I’d like to add some illustration. Using miniatures would be ideal, but I would need to purchase and paint them (and I am notoriously bad about painting). I’m toying with the idea of using paper miniatures. We’ll see where I go with this.

Anyway, I am looking forward to a lot more gaming fun in 2014 (in fact, I have a couple of reports to share already) and I wish you well in the new year.

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